Archive for year: 2012

Rowing ACT replaced its former status rules with Rower Scores into local regattas to provide fairer racing for all participants for 2006. This was a big experiment that eliminated School and most masters events in an attempt to get bigger fields and better racing for all concerned. The ACT gained fuller fields using most of the lanes on our course, and consequently shorter regattas, and therefore more efficient use of our BROs’ time. The Victorians who pioneered the scheme reported increased participation following on from adopting Rower Scores.
However in the ACT Rower Score had shortcomings: good Masters women scullers progressed to B grade, and were forced to race 1800m, rowing school masters were not interested in rower score progression, but in separating Year groups to share equipment, some masters (veteran) rowers resented competing against students, and parents were upset that their children competed against adults. All of these issues reflect the smaller rower numbers in the ACT. RACT is unusual in that Schools and Clubs compete in the same events at regattas. I believe that this provides us with a viable, if somewhat unique, program, and is important for best use of our limited resources.
How was Rowing ACT supposed to run its Rowers Scores?
Individual scores for rower scores were supposedly updated after every regatta. Rowers scores, and crew scores could go up or down, depending on results
Group A: 0.00 – 1.50 (1800m) Elite rower, National representative
Group B: 1.51 – 2.50 (1800m) Experienced rower, eg competed at Nationals, 1st 8+
Group C: 2.51 – 3.00 (1500m) Intermediate rower, experienced masters, good school rowers with competition experience
Group D: 3.01 – 3.50 (1000m) Amateur rower, eg less experienced masters
Group E: 3.51 – 4.00 (1000m) Novice rower, usually in first season of racing, or recreational rower with limited competition experience
The Rower Score is a representation of your rowing ability so rowers compete at their appropriate level. It operates similar to a golf handicap – the more talented you are, the closer your score will go to 0. Inexperienced or novice rowers will have a high Rower Score (closer to 4).

Proposal for discussion at Regatta sub-committee:

The RACT committee is looking to adopt a new set of status rules.
These would reflect the current regatta status categories, and reflect de facto usage.
Elite (1800m). International Representatives, AIS athletes, those aspiring to represent, those who wish to compete against the best.
Senior (1800m) Experienced rowers, ACT and Inter-state Champions, School first crews.
Intermediate 1500. Rowers with several seasons experience, Year 10 Rowers at school, experienced and competitive masters rowers.
Intermediate 1000. Rowers who have progressed from beyond their first season.
Introductory: Those in their first season of rowing.
All clubs should discuss this proposal prior to the regatta sub-committee on 29th May 2012.

This morning Rowing Australia announced the 2012 Australian Senior A Non-Olympic crews and the 2012 Australian Under 23 Teams.

Rowing ACT congratulates all athletes named in the crews, and wishes them the best of luck particularly Angus Moore in the men’s eight and manager Bob Cook, both of whom are from the ACT. Bob’s selection as manager of this team compliments that of his daughter Sarah, who was announced recently as a member of the Australian women’s eight who will attempt to qualify their boat for the Olympics.

The first of Rowing ACT’s 2012 Winter Time Trials will be held on the 19th and 20th May 2012. The format of the event is singles and pairs on the Saturday, doubles, quads, fours and eights on Sunday. Rowing ACT is willing to accept double entries on Saturday, however crews must be early novice. Clubs need to be aware these crews will NOT be competing in any official category and will not be awarded prize or point score rewards.

The course is 3km long and runs from near the Governor Generals wharf, around a turning boat near the 1800m start, down Yarramundi Reach, around Kurrajong Point and up Tarcoola Reach finishing at the first of the white timber piles, opposite the AIS in Lotus Bay.

The series winner for each category of boat is determined by a point score based on handicap times. Crews/scullers receive one point for each race they complete, plus one point for each opponent in that race that they beat on handicap time. Crews can accumulate series points provided they do not change more than 25% of their crew from one time trial to the next.

Entries should be via your club and sent by email to Rowing ACT . Entries close at 10pm on the Friday preceding the time trial (11th May). Larger clubs may collate entries into the template spread sheet below.

Download the “spread sheet template”:file_download/235.

Rowing Australia announced today the 2012 Australian Junior Rowing Team following the conclusion of the recent selection trials conducted at the Sydney International Regatta Centre.

The team will compete at the Junior World Championships in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from 15th – 19th August.

Congratulations to ACT’s Luke Letcher who made the Australian Junior Men’s Quad Scull crew to compete in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from 15th – 19th August and we wish him the best of luck at the World Championship regatta.

The other members of the crew are Riley Lum (SA), Daniel Whitehead (NSW), and Harry Jones (Qld). The crew will be coached by Peter Kupcis (Victoria).

Luke’s selection follows on from his success at the National Regatta when he won the Championship Under 19 Single Sculls, was a member of the winning Under 19 Quad Sculls and was also a member of third placed Schoolboy Quad.

Luke continued his dominant form from the National regatta through the selection trials, and his crew has enormous potential to challenge the Europeans if the crew can combine well. Luke will continue training in Canberra, with the crew coming together at several training camps prior to their departure.

A large casuarina tree between the CGS boatshed and ACTAS boatshed compound has dropped a branch (approx 20cm in diam) into the compound.
There was no apparent damage to equipment or individuals.
I will restrict ACTAS athlete/coaches etc. from this area but I have no control over public access or access to the area by other persons.
I have reported the matter to Canberra Connect by phone who will attend to the matter as the tree is on public land.

Gordon Marcks

Rowing ACT is seeking nominations from Masters Athletes wishing to be considered for the 2012 ACT Rowing Team to compete at the 2012 Australian Masters Rowing Championships. This year’s Championships will be held in Ballarat between the 22th and 27th May.

If you are interested in competing in any of the following boat classes please complete a ” nomination form “:file_download/233 nomination form and email to as James is now on leave. All nominations recieved to date (13/4/12 1656) have been passed to David.

Interstate Men’s Masters D Eight
Interstate Women’s Masters D Eight
Interstate Men’s Masters D Coxless Quad
Interstate Womens’s Masters D Coxless Quad

Rowing ACT is currently seeking nominations from lightweight rowers, heavyweight rowers, coxswains and coaches for the 2012 Youth Cup Regatta to be held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre between the 28th June and 1st July 2012.

Athletes must be under the age of 21 as at the 31st December 2012.

Nominations are due by 5pm Sunday 22nd April 2012.

Selection events will be held between 26th April and the 5th May as per the Event Requirements.

For more information view the:

2012 Youth Cup Team Event Requirements

Rowing Australian Capital Territory Selection Policy

To nominate complete and submit either the “rower & coxswain nomination form”:file_download/232 or the “coach nomination form”:file_download/231.

We are now nearing the end of the pontoon acquisition project. Ecoway have over the last week completed the installation of the three Connect-A-Dock pontoons. Two have been fitted on the Western side of Yarralumla Bay and the other in Jerrabomberra Creek to help facilitate access to the lower lake for a number of clubs.

We would like to thank all those who have made contributions to the project. Firstly to the ACT Government Department of Sport and Recreation for significantly assisting with the purchase. Also to the NCA for their contribution to the installation and approvals. To Doug Lumsden of Space Saver Rowing Systems for spending many late nights negotiating with the American suppliers. And finally all those who assisted with the unloading and construction of the pontoons.

Thanks you to all involved. We hope those using them temporarily and well into the future enjoy them.

Rowing Australia is pleased to announce the launch of its new Women in sport website,

The website is the next phase of Rowing Australia’s initiative to increase the promotion and raise the profile of its elite female rowers, and has been made possible by the support of the Australian Sport Commission’s Women in Sport media grants program.

The website and related social media services will provide a unique insight into the lives of the 2012 Australian Women’s Rowing Team, and have been designed to engage young female rowers by promoting the senior athletes as role models, mentors and heroes.

Sarah Tait, co-captain of the Australian Rowing Team, said it was a great initiative to promote women’s rowing.

“All of the girls involved in this project are really excited at the opportunity it will present to promote our sport,” Tait said. “Like every sport, to be able to succeed at the top level, we need a constant progression of athletes from school to elite level.

“We hope to inspire the next generation of young female rowers to stick with it and hopefully come London, fans of the site and the team can cheer us on to many medals.” will follow the female members of the 2012 Australian Rowing Team during their final training block in Australia, before embarking with them on their tour of Europe as they prepare for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games.

For more information on the Rowing Chicks initiative visit the website at
and view the dedicated Facebook, Twitter and YouTube links available from the homepage.

The dates for the 2012 Winter Time Trial Series are now available. We look forward to seeing you out in the cold.

# 19th & 20th May
# 16th & 17th June
# 28th & 29th July
# 18th & 19th August
# 8th & 9th September

Please note this year entries for each Winter Time Trial will close at 9pm on the Friday preceding the time trial.

The format of the event is singles and pairs on the Saturday, doubles, quads, fours and eights on Sunday. Rowing ACT is willing to accept double entries on Saturday, however crews must be early novice. Clubs need to be aware these crews will NOT be competing in any official category and will not be awarded prize or point score rewards.

The series winner for each category of boat is determined by a point score based on handicap times. Crews/scullers receive one point for each race they complete, plus one point for each opponent in that race that they beat on handicap time. Crews can accumulate series points provided they do not change more than 25% of their crew from one time trial to the next.