Archive for year: 2012

-Concept super light low inertia oars.


-Brand new condition.

Price $450

Contact: Emma 0407 466 181

-Concept super light low inertia oars.


-Brand new condition.

Price $450

Contact: Emma 0407 466 181

Bulletin 2 for the 2012 Australian Masters Rowing Championships is now available on the Rowing Australia website Rowing Australia website

Invitations are extended to quad scull crews representing ACT schools and rowing clubs to compete for the postponed inaugural Tuggeranong Festival Cup on the 14th April 2012. Lake Tuggeranong Rowing Club is pleased to be able to re-run this event, endorsed by the Tuggeranong Festival organisers, with all medals, pennants and the Festival Cup still available to be claimed.

For more information view the TFC Invitation and TFC Instructions .

Entries are to be submitted by clubs via Rowing Manager no later than 5pm on the 9th April.

Rowing ACT is seeking Nominations from Rowers, Coxswains and Coaches for the 2013 ACT Kings Cup Team to compete at the Interstate regatta on the 23rd March during the Sydney International Rowing Regatta.

Nominations are due on the 22nd of December 2012.

Any individual considering nomination must familiarise themselves with the Rowing ACT Selection Policy along with the 2013 Kings Cup Team Event Requirements.

Rowing Australian Capital Territory Selection Policy .

2012 Kings Cup Team Event Requirements .

Download the athlete and coxswain nomination form “here”:file_download/353.

View the most current Rowing ACT Selection Policy

The Connect-a-Dock pontoons have arrived from America and are safely stored at Yarralumla Bay.
Tomorrow at 9:30am a small team will connect the modules under Doug Lumsden’s guidance.
Alan Buterac will co-ordinate volunteers as he did today with the unloading.

The end product will be 2 full (4 x 10 module) pontoons and 1 shorter pontoon (4 x 8 module) as we could not fit everything in the container. Once the remaining modules arrive in the second container they can then be attached to the shorter pontoon.

Once the pontoons are pieced together we will tie them off to the moorings in the middle of Yarralumla Bay using the deep water hardware supplied. The NCA has approved this providing they do not inconvenience the other bay users. An alternative is to either tie them to the moorings adjacent to the AIS pontoons or the wharf next to the CGGS shed.

The CLRC pontoon will be relocated to their shed early next week by Ecoway staff.

A big vote of thanks from the rowing community to James Hammond for carrying this major project through to near completion, to the ACT government for providing half the funds, and the NCA for expediting planning approval, and funding for installation

A reminder to all that these are Rowing ACT facilities. They have been purchased for the Rowing Australia Masters’ Championships, and will be relocated for that regatta, and are not long-term Yarralumla Bay facilities.
Thanks to all our volunteers who unloaded the container today.
David Bagnall

On 16 March local ABC presented this Stateline report:

I do not agree with the presentation 100% but it is pretty fair.

David Bagnall

10 September 2012

Please book your accommodation early!

In Canberra’s Centenary year, accommodation is expected to be highly sought after. General information on accommodation options can be found at the Canberra Tourism website under Accommodation-

The Organising Committee has a number of preferred accommodation suppliers for the event. These have now been listed on the Rowing Australia Website here. These hotels are all close to the CBD and within 15 minutes drive from the Regatta venue at Weston Park.

For further information on the Championships keep an eye out for the 1st Bulletin to be issued later this month, September 2012.

22 March 2012

Rowing ACT is particularly proud to be bringing the Championships to the ACT during the Centenary of Canberra in 2013.

Lake Burley Griffin is a superb sporting venue, and is the key element of Walter Burley Griffin’s design that has become the heart of Canberra. The lake’s first sporting event in 1964 was the Australian Rowing Championships and Olympic Trials National Regatta where selections were made for the Tokyo Olympics (For a more detailed history view Andrew Guerin’s History of the 1964 National Championships ). It is therefore fitting that a major national regatta returns to Lake Burley Griffin in our Centenary year.

The Organising Committee (OC) is up and running and promises to bring you a wonderful four day event. Canberra is home to Rowing Australia’s National Office, The Australian Institute of Sport and a number of nationally significant cultural institutions, so we plan to bring you a social program that takes advantage of these unique national treasures.

OC members:

• Ann Landrigan: Chair
• David Bagnall: ACT Rowing President and representative
• Geoff Brown: Director Finance & Governance
• Geoff Northam: Director Competition & Venue Operations
• Leigh Gordon: Director Technology
• Brendon Prout: Director Marketing & Communications
• Deb Styman: Director Administration
• Kath Wellman: Director ACT Government and NCA Liaison

As accommodation will be our biggest challenge during a year of celebration in Canberra, we will provide information as soon as we can on package options. However in the meantime, you might like to visit: Australian Capital Tourism’s accommodation page

The Centenary of Canberra in 2013 will present a year of memorable celebrations to mark this special anniversary for all Australians. For more information on Centenary events and commemorations visit: Canberra’s Centenary website

A number of our OC will be in Ballarat in May, where we hope to provide interested participants with more information on the 2013 Masters Championships. In the meantime watch this ACT Rowing site for further updates.

Ann Landrigan
Chair, Organising Committee

The National Capital Authority (NCA) advises Lake Burley Griffin is now open to all uses.

Parts of the lake have been closed following sewage contamination on 1 March.

Water quality results received today indicate bacteria levels across the whole lake are now within safe parameters for both primary and
secondary contact.

NCA Chief Executive, Gary Rake thanked the community for their patience and understanding.

“We are grateful to the community for their understanding over the last
fortnight,* said Mr Rake.

“The closure of Lake Burley Griffin, particularly over the Canberra Day celebrations, impacted on many Canberrans and visitors to the National Capital.

“I would like to thank the community, particularly event organisers and sporting groups, who worked closely with the NCA to alter their plans.”

With the complete lifting of the lake closure, the NCA asks users to take extra care in the water.

“Although bacteria has returned to a safe level, there is still a risk of damage to craft or injury, due to partially or completely submerged
debris,* said Mr Rake.

“The NCA urges users to exercise caution and to assess risk levels before entering the water.”

The NCA will now begin clearing as much of the debris in Lake Burley Griffin.

The Captain Cook Memorial Jet will remain off until the assessment of possible damage and reinstatement of the buoyline.

Radford College at the 2012 ACT Rowing Championships over the weekend secured the 2011 – 2012 Rowing ACT Premiership finishing with 559 points, just 60 points ahead of Canberra Rowing Club (499).

The mens and womens premierships went to Canberra Rowing Club (302) and Canberra Girls Grammar School (262) respectively. Competition was tight with CRC finishing only 2 points ahead of Radford who were also only 3 points behind CGGS for the womens premiership.

CRC performed well at this year’s ACT Championships to secure the Phere Niki Trophy which is presented to the highest point scoring club of the annual ACT regatta. The competition for the Phere was also close with Radford trailing CRC by only 7 points.

Find the details of the premiership point score in the competition tab above.

Congratulations to all the place getters throughout the season and thank you to all who have participated, we hope you have enjoyed the season.

Lastly a huge thank you to all those who have volunteered their time and resources. Without out you all, we would not have such a great local competition. Thank you.