Archive for year: 2012

The 49th Colin Panton Marathon was held in great rowing conditions. A gentle SSE wind, fine sunny conditions.
27 crews raced from the Molonglo River to Weston Park.

The *Panton Memorial Trophy* for line honors went to the CRC/Commercial crew of Pam Hubert/Anne Charlton/Elaine Bissaker/Cathy Starling/Adair Ferguson/Emy Ayliffe/Kerry Knowler/Fleur Spriggs/Jo Burnard(cox). The crew also won the *Black Pete Plate* for fastest women’s crew that are not supported by rowing scholarships.

The *Skippers Shield* for fastest crew over the course was won by the ANU crew of
Riley Owen/Fergus Smith/David Wright/Anthony Pardy/Richard Young/Charlie MacKenzie/Francis Snelgar/Dylan Conolan/Renae Domaschenz (cox).

The *David Stegeman Trophy* for the fastest coxed four was by the CRC crew of Dan Pekin-Stores/Martin Little/Damien Pentony/Steven Mirtschin/Dermott Ballaam (cox)

The *Cootapatamba Cup* for the first quad across the line was won by the junior mens coxless quad from BMRC of David Hoefer/James Vlandis/Alex Stuchbery/Luke Letcher.

*Congratulations to all rowers that competed.*

View the 2012 Panton Marathon Results..

All crews must arrive behind the start line no later than 6:45am. Late arrivals may be excluded

View the 2012 Col Panton Marathon Start List

Please take the time to read the Instructions for Competitors .

View the Col Panton Course here .

Following the completion of the event Canberra Rowing Club will host a presentation BBQ commencing at 10am. This will include the Col Panton and WTT monthly winners presentations.
Food includes, bacon, eggs, sausages (gluten free), onions, salad, bread, fruit and juice. Cost is $5 per head. The cafe2U coffee van will be present with great coffee at individual expense. Rowers from schools and clubs are welcome, however an RSVP is required (numbers only) to assist with catering.

If you are intending to attend the BBQ please email Claudia Bottrill at

Event 1. ACT Youth Olympic Team Time Trial
The Rowing ACT Selectors are conducting a selection time trial tomorrow morning on the Yarramundi Reach rowing course. This will commence at 6:40 and conclude by 7:20am. Rowers will use lanes 6 and 7 to progress from the 1500m start line to the finish line. All rowers are requested to keep clear and coaches to keep wash to a minimum.

Event 2. Disher Cup Regatta
The annual Disher Cup Regatta between ANUBC, ADFA and RMC will take place on Saturday morning between 8am and 9:30am. Racing will be conducted between Museum Point and near the Boat House restaurant in Grevillia Park. This racing will be conducted via the mast direct route along the southern side of Central Basin. Rowers are requested to vacate the area well before 7:30am keep well clear until racing has concluded.

Event 3. ACT Dragons Abreast Challenge
This year the Dragons Abreast Challenge will be held in Yarralumla rather than the Yarramundi Reach rowing course. The regatta is an annual event which focuses on breast cancer survivorship and raises money for both local and national breast cancer related charities.
Racing will commence from 6am and conclude at 1:30pm. The course is to run along the Yarralumla Beach form the Solar Bee to the Red buoy at the eastern edge of Yarralumla Bay. This event should not impact rowers much except there will be increased numbers of dragon boats in the area. Rowers and coaches are reminded that wash does affect dragon boats as well. Please insure your members limit wash when passing this event. We all need to share the lake and be considerate.

Event 4. Col Panton Marathon Regatta
The Col Panton Marathon will take place early on Sunday morning. Rowers will race from an area adjacent to the mouth on the Molonglo River near the Boat House Restaurant and proceed via the most direct route to just off Tree House Beach in Weston Park. It is recommend that rowers not competing in the marathon remain off the water until the conclusion of the race. In the event rowers do take to the water they must be aware of the course and take extreme caution. Safety marshals stationed along the course. Racing should have concluded by 9am.

Tickets for the International Rowing Festival went on sale on Monday 15 October

The Sydney International Rowing Regatta, being held between 18 and 24 March 2013, is expected to draw huge crowds to the International Regatta Centre at Penrith – and a ‘who’s who’ of global rowing entries, among them London 2012 Olympic champions.

The regatta, presented by Singapore Airlines, will essentially be four events in one, encompassing the first of next year’s Samsung World Rowing Cup regattas, the Australian Open Championships, the King’s Cup and Queen’s Cup Interstate Regatta and the Australian Open Schools Rowing Championships.

For more information view the Press Release

The final Winter Time Trial Point Score is now available. Presentations for the series winners were held at the Rowing ACT Presentation Dinner on Saturday night. Presentations to the Monthly winners will be held in conjunction with the Col Panton presentations this Sunday at Canberra Rowing Club following the Marathon.

Congratulation to all the monthly and overall winners.

Rowing ACT would also like to thank all who have assisted within administration and on water official roles. Without these contributions this series would not have been the success it was.

CRC Presentation Information
Commences at 10am. Food includes, bacon, eggs, sausages (gluten free), onions, salad, bread, fruit and juice. Cost is $5 per head. The cafe2U coffee van will be present with great coffee at individual expense. Rowers from schools and clubs are welcome, however an RSVP is required (numbers only) to assist with catering. This can provide a nice opportunity for competitors to mix and chat socially.

If you are intending to attend the BBQ please email Claudia Bottrill at

View the 2012 WTT series Saturday point score .

View the 2012 WTT series Sunday point score .


Rowing Queensland is currently seeking a suitable candidate for the role of Education & Safety Officer. This role will soon be advertised on

View the advertisement including selection criteria here.

View the position description here.

Oct 15, 12:16 PM

Rowing Queensland is currently seeking a suitable candidate for the role of Education & Safety Officer. This role will soon be advertised on

View the advertisement including selection criteria here.

View the position description here.

Oct 10, 09:32 PM

Entries for Rowing ACT Regatta #1 to be hosted by Capital Lakes Rowing Club on 27 October 2012, close 5pm Wednesday the 17th of October. Clubs that have not submited their entries by the deadline will not be able to participate.

Download the Rowing ACT 2012-13 Standard order of events

Rowing ACT is also looking for more BRO’s and general volunteers to assist at Regattas. If you are willing to help out with this regatta or future regattas throughout the season, please email James at Please have a look at the following attachment to see where you can help.

Download the Call for volunteers

Oct 13, 10:26 AM

Dear Rowers (and other lake users),
As of this morning (Saturday 13 October) West Basin and part of central Basin have large numbers of logs that have been flushed into the lake following the recent rain. For fragile boats, like most rowing shells, this effectively closes these parts of the lake. The NCA has responded to the crisis and their contractor will start clearing the logs this afternoon.

We understand that the NCA will remove the logs from west to east stopping the front of flotsam from moving further west. As of this morning the front had reached the National Library. Logs will be removed to Grevillea Park. Crews that travel through to East Basin should be aware that work boats will be present cleaning up, and perhaps obstructing any crews training.

Hopefully the Association will not have to cancel the Panton Marathon next weekend.

Dear Rowers (and other lake users),
As of this morning (Saturday 13 October) West Basin and part of central Basin have large numbers of logs that have been flushed into the lake following the recent rain.
For fragile boats, like most rowing shells, this effectively closes these parts of the lake. The NCA has responded to the crisis and their contractor will start clearing the logs this afternoon.

We understand that the NCA will remove the logs from west to east stopping the front of flotsam from moving further west. As of this morning the front had reached the National Library. Logs will be removed to Grevillea Park. Crews that travel through to East Basin should be aware that work boats will be present cleaning up, and perhaps obstructing any crews training.

Hopefully the Association will not have to cancel the Panton Marathon next weekend.