Archive for year: 2017

The ANU Regatta, which was held on 4 February, was the biggest regatta of the 2016-17 Season and we thank everyone for their participation.  We were fortunate that the regatta ran its full schedule despite earlier concerns over wind and heat.

We had a number of interstate clubs participating.    In order of the number of entries these comprised Newington, Kinross, Shellharbour and Shoalhaven.

Congratulations to Newington College in winning the Steve Fairbairn Memorial Trophy.  This trophy is awarded to the Club scoring the highest number of points at the ANU Regatta.  It was won by CRC in 2016 and by Kinross in 2015 and 2014.



We have been asked by Rowing Tasmania to share this advertisement for a Launceston-based Coach as part of the Pathway Program.

 A significant update of the By-Laws becomes operable today.   The main changes relate to the Status Rules, regatta cancellation and the Code of Conduct.  The By-Laws have also been updated to ensure the consistent use of terminology and an extended definitions section has been added to make reading easier.   The updated By-Laws are now available on the website and should be read by all Member Clubs.
Rower Grade Scores
Rowing ACT announced on 23 January that commencing from the ANU Regatta on 4 February 2017, Rowing Grade Scores will be used to classify the eligibility of competitive rowers and crew.  The new Status Rules are set out in Part V of the By-Laws (14-25).  They revolve around Grade Racing Categories with each competitive rower receiving a Rowing Grade Score (separate scores for sculling and sweep oar).   The principles of the system, aimed at achieving greater competition, were considered by the Regatta Sub-Committee and will be reviewed prior to the next Season.
Competition between Scullers and Crews with:
a RGS less than 1.35
a RGS between 1.35 to <2.35
a RGS between 2.35 to <3.10
a RGS between 3.10 to <3.60
a RGS between 3.60 to 4.0
Event Cancellation (By-Law 30)
The cancellation provisions for rowing events run by Rowing ACT have been difficult to administer and result in an uncertain financial outcome.  The By-Laws previously provided that the liability for seat fees would arise if the event had not been called off 24 hours prior to the event being held.   However, while officials have worked on the strong presumption that events would proceed, knowing that wind conditions can vary on the day and vary between locations on the Lake, such judgement calls have been questioned and it places a heavy onus on those officials.  In addition, there is significant workload in developing an event program and arranging the associated services, some of which are committed, irrespective of whether it proceeds.   Accordingly, Rowing ACT is now following the practice adopted in NSW of issuing invoices based on the final program.
The Board has confirmed, in the updated By-Laws that any seat-fee penalties, incurred during an event cancelled part-way through, will be waived.
Rowing ACT has left open the discretion of  invoicing at a lower level, or not invoicing, where an event is cancelled.
Code of Conduct (By-Law 37)
The Rowing ACT Code of Conduct in the existing By-Laws had been that of Rowing Australia’s Member Protection Policy.  That remains the case.  However, Rowing ACT has now set out more clearly the sort of behaviours expected by participant groups in the sport of rowing.


The Rowing ACT Board determined in 2016 to commence running regattas from the start of the 2016/17 season under a new grade system, similar to those already operating in other states. Since October three grade regattas have been successfully held, with each progressively familiarising and transitioning the local rowing community to the new system. The next important formal action in this transition however is the introduction and application of “Rowing Grade Scores” (RGS) for all competing rowers.

Introduction of Rowing Grade Scores

Commencing from the next local regatta – the ANU Regatta on 4 February 2017 – Rowing Grade Scores (separate scores for Sculling and Sweep) will be used to classify the eligibility of scullers and crews, in the various standard grade events held. The following band RGS values will apply to each of the current Grades – A to E:


Competition between Scullers and Crews with:

GRADE A: a RGS less than 1.35

GRADE B: a RGS between 1.35 to less than 2.35

GRADE C: a RGS between 2.35 to less than 3.10

GRADE D: a RGS between 3.10 to less than 3.60

GRADE E: a RGS between 3.60 to 4.0

An RGS (Sculling) and RGS (Sweep) has been determined for all registered ACT rowers, utilising regatta information available from this and recent seasons, and the Guideline document “Rowing ACT Club Grade System – Expected Times/Performance Range for each Grade” (attached) which was released at the beginning of the season.

Club Captains and Head Coaches, respectively, for each affiliated Rowing ACT club and school will be provided with each of their rower’s RGSs from 23 January 2017. Entries for the ANU regatta close 27 January 2017. Adjustments to RGSs will subsequently be made based on rowers’ subsequent regatta results, and in accordance with the new “Status Rules” recently approved by Rowing ACT.

Eligibility and the requirements for Compiling and then Submitting Entries

Clubs and Schools will be required to consider each of their rower’s or crew’s RGS (a crew RGS is the average RGS of each of its crew members) in the process of entering scullers of crews for events:

Scullers or crews will not be able to enter or race in events if their RGS is lower than the required value for that event.
Scullers or crews may race in a classification higher than their current RGS, BUT subject only to the Regatta Secretary being satisfied that they can race at a proficiency level sufficiently competitive for that event’s expected standard.

Further Information for Club Captains and Head School Coaches

Prior to further details, including the new Status Rules, being published, should further information be required Club Captains and Head School Coaches are asked to act as the co-ordinating officer for their organisation and to

Radford College would like to thank the Rowing ACT community for their courtesy and consideration during the time trial that was conducted on the Yarramundi course on Saturday morning.

Radford rowing indicates all lake users, including the many visitors in town, displayed courtesy to our scullers by giving them flat water and space in which to complete their piece.

Radford asks that clubs please convey to their members our thanks for their co operation.

Radford will be conducting another time trial for our junior shed this Wednesday morning 25th January from about 7:00am. Scullers will be in lane 7 only from the 1000m mark. They will have bow numbers on their boats and will be in Radford uniform. Radford expect to be able to conduct this trial in about 1 hour.


Rowing ACT is disposing of one of its boat trailers.  It is in good condition and has 10 months registration.  Sale price $500.

If you are interested, please email or text 0406 376666




RACT has hired a replacement Executive Officer.

He is Josh O’Brien and he will assume his role on 7 February, 2017.

Josh is currently Sports Operations Manager for Boxing Australia Ltd.
In his current role he manages that organisation’s finances, provides strategic and administrative support to the CEO and Board, manages Development and Talent Identification Programs, helps administer High Performance programs, has organised National and Oceania events, and compiled Annual reports, Social media etc.

Josh has held his current position at Boxing Australia since September 2013.

Rowing ACT welcomes Josh to our sport, and we look forward to a productive interaction.

Radford College will be conducting grading trials on the Yarramundi course this Saturday from about 6:30am to 11am and next Wednesday 25th January from 7 till 8:30am.

Scullers will be racing a 1500m time trial in lane 7 only and will be displaying bow numbers. Radford will have marshals above the 1500m mark and safety boats down the course to deal with incidents. The Wednesday time trial will be run from the 1000m mark.

Radford ask that other lake users keep clear of time trialists and that coaching tinnies keep wash to a minimum as per Rowing ACT protocols. If clubs will be hosting visiting schools next week, could you please make your visitors aware of this activity.

Canberra Rowing Club will be conducting some time trials this Sunday over the 1800m Yarramundi course as part of their Men’s squad selection process.   Two trials are being undertaken, the first commencing at 7am and the second at 8am.
Each of the trials is expected to see the course in use (Lanes 4, 5, 6& 7) for a maximum of approximately 15min only each time.
It would be much appreciated if other users could be mindful of the trials during these short periods, keeping clear of the course if possible and give way to any rowers racing. Similarly if coaching boats could minimise any wash.
Many thanks
Geoff Brown
President Canberra Rowing Club


Rowing ACT will host a farewell drinks and nibbles function at Weston Park in the shade of the oak trees next to the rowing pontoons on Tuesday 17th January from 6pm.

Bring drinks and nibbles and celebrate Andy and Mike progressing to their respective next challenges.

All rowers and supporters are welcome to attend. RACT will provide tables, ice, mineral water, paper plates.

Bring a plate of food to share, and lets have a party.