Call for Nominations for Selectors of King’s Cup Regatta State Team

Rowing ACT is looking to appoint selectors for the 2015 state crews at the inter-state regatta.

Ideally, nominees for this position should have recent experience in some of the following:
• Coaching at elite level
• Competition at elite level
• Management of elite athletes and coaches
• Be familiar with current national rowing trends
• Have strong analytical skills
The successful nominees must:
• Attend meetings as required by from time to time
• Attend regattas as required from time to time
• Attend selection events as required

When you apply, please include a brief dot point, one page summary of your experience and qualifications (as related to the Selection of Athletes).
Nominations are due at the RACT office by close of business Friday 12th September 2014 by post, email or hand delivered.

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