Do you have your NSW Boat License?

Do you have your NSW Boat License?

The AFP have been and will continue to crack down on non-licensed operators of powerboat vessels on Lake Burley Griffin. They have provided lake users a brief summary of requirements of power boat users here. They advise the following:

“1. Licenced Operators
All drivers of a conventional powerboat must hold either a current:
– powerboat drivers licence issued in any Australian State or Territory, or,
– a ‘TL3’ certificate issued under the Australian Yachting Federation National Powerboat Training
This refers to all powerboat drivers (irrespective of the speed at which the vessel is operated, or the power output of the
engine etc as in other jurisdictions).
Boat licences must be carried and produced on request.”

All operators and owners of powerboat vessels are strongly encouraged to read the summary of requirements linked above.


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