Consultation on updated consolidated By-Laws

Consultation on updated consolidated By-Laws

When the new Rules were adopted last December RACT undertook to consult on updated By-laws.

The draft By-laws seek to consolidate key policies.  They include the coverage of the current By-laws, Rules of Racing, Status Rules and Points.  They also reference privacy policy and other Rowing Australia policies.  In respect of the Rules of Racing, it now sets out the principles we follow in respect of Rowing Australia’s Rules of Racing and does not attempt to cross-reference documents, particularly since Rowing Australia is reviewing its Rules of Racing.

We would appreciate comment and suggestions on:

  •  the content of the By-laws; and
  • whether you would like any other policies incorporated into the By-laws, noting that some policies, such as the Order of Events, change from year to year and would not be suitable for such a document.

We would appreciate receiving comments by COB Wednesday 4 March.  The Board will then consider whether a meeting with Member Clubs needs to be convened to deal with any issues.  If not, we would expect the By-laws to be formally released by the end of March.

Comments may be sent to, which will be forwarded to all Board members.

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