Recruitment for AIS Rowing Study – Knowledge is power

Recruitment for AIS Rowing Study – Knowledge is power

Dr Anthony Rice (Rowing Australia Physiologist) and a student of his are running a short metabolic study for Rowing Australia and they’re looking for recruits from ACT while RA athletes are overseas.

We are very keen to see members of the rowing community get involved and would like as many sign up as possible.

This is a great opportunity to find out what your VO2 Max, lactate thresholds and maximum training zones are for both rowing and cycling to enhance your training programs for success.

It’s all part of supporting the rowing community and knowledge is power!

You must be:

  • Between 18-40 years
  • Male or Female
  • Currently training
  • Not be sick or injured
  • Have competed at a high level this year, Nationals, Masters Nationals, NSW Champs and be in Training at the moment

Testing involves a max effort erg test while Vo2 and Lactate data is taken, followed by a max effort cycle a week or so later and same data collected. Nothing Invasive and nothing that scary!

To contact those running the study email and for more information CLICK HERE.


Renae Domaschenz

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