Winter Time Trials #1 – Saturday and Sunday


Winter Time Trials #1 – Saturday and Sunday

The first 2007 ACT Winter Time Trials are this coming weekend. Start time is 09:30am each day, with singles and pairs on Saturday, and all other boats on Sunday. General information can be found here. ACTAS Rowing Scholarship Selection Criteria – Available shortly, but…. The 2008 ACTAS Scholarship Criteria is expected to be circulated shortly pending approval by theJoint Management Committee. It is intended that the ACTRA Winter Time trials will be used as part of the selection process, along with regular 6000m & 2000m in the week following each trial. Given the likelihood of the criteria being released next week, the first events will be the 2nd ACTRA Winter Time Trial on the 21/22nd July and Erg testing on the Monday and Thursday following that (the first time trial this weekend and any ergs in the following week, while encouraged, will not be included). In regards to erg testing, these will be done on Concept 2 Model D machines. Anyone who requires access to the Model D’s for training purposes, either as a group or individually, can contact Gordon Marcks to arrange access to the ACTAS machines (there are 6 at the ACTAS shed). New Rowing Related Links This web site maintains a set of rowing related links that can be accessed through the menu to your left. Two new entries are:

  • SportzCare ACT – a free of charge counselling and support service for sports people
  • Sports Mind Skills – a commercial operation that is selling an audio product by Drew Ginn called “Rowing Mind Skills.

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