Coaching Boat Etiquette


Coaching Boat Etiquette

A reminder to all coaches that we should be aware of other crews on the lake and follow these rules when coaching from a tinnie:

· Tinnie drivers to show reasonable courtesy to users of unpowered craft (eg. rowers and canoeists)

· Cut wash when passing rower(s) travelling in the opposite direction

· When a moving tinnie is being approached from behind by a faster rowing boat, cut wash to allow the faster rowing boat to pass

· Minimise tinnie wash in East Basin

· Minimise tinnie wash on Yarramundi Reach when travelling South towards the start line

· A tinnie may keep pace with crews being coached/timed travelling North on Yarramundi Reach towards the finish line. Drivers to make reasonable effort to minimise the impact of wash on other rowers on the course.

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