Safety and Risk Management


Safety and Risk Management

RACT would like to bring to your attention the following Rowing Australia documents which are now available through our website:

On- water safety guidelines – A Practical Guide for Rowing Clubs in Australia .

Rowing Australia Safe On-water Code of Conduct – Safe On-Water Conduct for Rowing in Australia .

Safety Assessment Check List .

“Rowing ACT Incident Report Form”:file_download/196.

These documents are now easily accessed via the Safety Management tab found within the Documents menu on the home page.

These documents should be read carefully by Club Committees and appropriate actions taken. In particular:

Safety Officer
Every club has the responsibility to appoint a member as a Safety Officer whose duty is to coordinate the implementation of an appropriate safety program in accordance with local water safety guidelines, the RA ‘Onwater Code of Conduct’ and the recommendations provided within these Guidelines.

Incident Reporting Procedures
Clubs must ensure that all members have access to and are educated and trained in their individual responsibilities to report incidents using the Club’s ‘Incident Reporting Logbook’ as a means of helping to develop safe practices.
The reporting of unsafe conduct of all water users and incidents on and off water is critical to the safe use of Australian waterways. Therefore any incident or ‘near incident’ are to be recorded in a club’s ‘Incident Reporting Logbook’ and reported directly to the Club Safety Officer. It is the Club Safety Officers’ responsibility to ensure this information is forwarded to the Club board and State Safety Officer – and local marine authorities (if required under the local waterway safety procedures).

Safety Auditing
Auditing the level of safe practice and acting on the findings is essential if clubs are to fulfil their duty of care. RA’s Safety Checklist was designed to cover the basic aspects of club and training camp safety.

Rowing ACT Incident Report Form:
In the event a club does not have an Incident Reporting Document, clubs may utilise the Rowing ACT Incident Report Form available “here”:file_download/196.

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