Message from the NCA regarding repairs to Scrivener Dam


Message from the NCA regarding repairs to Scrivener Dam

Dear Scrivener Dam Stakeholders,

In December 2011, NCA commenced the process of repairing Scrivener Dam as a result of identifying significant corrosion in the hinge anchor bolts that fasten the flood gates to the dam. In the first twelve months of this project, the NCA procured the services of a team of dam experts to advise on the way forward and to design a solution that would maintain dam safety through the construction period and would make the dam safe from this problem re-occurring for another 100 years.

Early this year, our contractors undertaking the construction works (Structural Systems Western) commenced installing temporary works and the job of installing a new hinge and anchor bolt system on the first flood gate (Gate 5). They completed the renovation to Gate 5 last week and this week extensive testing was completed to ensure the gate operates as required. The contractors have already commenced moving equipment and temporary works to the second gate (Gate 4). It is anticipated that it will take 2 months to complete each of the remaining 4 flood gates with an expected project completion in March 2014.

Peter Beutel JP | Estate Manager
National Capital Authority

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