A Message From Our New Admin Officer


A Message From Our New Admin Officer

Well it has now been two weeks since I began with Rowing ACT in the role of Administration and Development Officer. I would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself and give you a brief back ground. My name is James Hammond. I have been involved in rowing on and off, now for 14 years, with the last 6 having been coaching. I am also currently in my last year of an Exercise Science/Coaching Science degree.

There have been some small administrative changes made over the past few weeks that you should be aware of. We have established an office back in ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett ACT 2602. Please be aware however our mailing address will remain P.O. Box 8366 ANU ACT 6200 (Please note the unique Post Code). We are also in the process of establishing an internet connection within the office, so for the time being I have been working from home. Rowing ACT has a new number which I will be contactable on, 0406 376 666. The actra@rowingact.org.au will still be the admin contact for most general inquires. I will be working Monday to Thursday from 8:30am so for a fast reply contact me between these times.
If there are any matters Rowing ACT has been working with you on that I may need to continue please reply email.

I look forward to working with you all.

James Hammond

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