Author Archive for: David

Entries by David


ACT Scullers win National Championships

ACT single scullers Tom Perry and Caleb Antill have both had great National Championships in Penrith in their respective single sculls races.

Tom rows for Canberra Rowing Club and he had dominant performance to take the lead near the half way mark and push out to a 4 second win from Hong Kong sculler Hin Chun Chiu, and Mercantile’s Red Mathews. This was a great win against international competition for Tom. He has had a great season both locally and nationally.
World Under 23 Champion quad sculler Caleb Antill from ANU has built on last season’s International form to […]

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Cancellation of Masters Regatta on Easter Saturday

Rowing ACT has decided to cancel the proposed regatta that was to be held on Easter Saturday.

The Association has made this decision due to burnout of our Boat Race officials, and our potential difficulty in being able to have enough officials to manage the regatta.

We apologise to any competitors who had planned to compete. If you are locally based, we seek your assistance in swelling our numbers of Boat Race officials next season

Captain Cook Memorial Water Jet to reopen on 13 March

On Canberra Day (next Monday) the Captain Cook Memorial Water Jet will re-open and this provides an opportunity to celebrate its rejuvenation. The jet will operate three times during the day (8:00-10:00am, 3:00-5:00pm, 7:00-9:00pm) and perhaps some of our crews that are out training could venture down into Central Basin in the 8am to 10am time slot to provide some color and movement as a backdrop for the thousands of photos that will be taken of the jet on the day.



Rowing ACT has announced the process by which ACT State crews will be selected for the 2017 Australian Masters Rowing Championships. The Inter-state events are:
Women’s Eight
Women’s Quad
Men’s Eight
Men’s Quad
All nominees will be required to complete a 1000m time trial at 8am on Sunday 19th March 2017. Please send crew and sculler entries to
No seat fees will be charged for these events.
Separate time trials/races will be conducted for quad scull nominees in single sculls and for eight oared nominees in coxless fours.
If less than […]


Kayak events on Molonglo and LBG on 25th and 26th February

Rowers have been asked to avoid the Molonlgo River all day on Saturday 25 February and be alert to kayakers on East Basin, Central basin and West Basin on the morning of Sunday 26 February.

The Burley Griffin Canoe Club is hosting the NSW State Marathon Championships on Saturday 25th February.
The event will be run all day (8am till 5pm), on the Molonglo River between Dairy Rd Bridge and the Hospice.

Please avoid the Molonglo River on Saturday 25 February.The Burley Griffin Canoe Club is conducting its annual ‘Burley Griffin Bash’ paddle event on Sunday morning. The event […]



The Rowing ACT Board determined in 2016 to commence running regattas from the start of the 2016/17 season under a new grade system, similar to those already operating in other states. Since October three grade regattas have been successfully held, with each progressively familiarising and transitioning the local rowing community to the new system. The next important formal action in this transition however is the introduction and application of “Rowing Grade Scores” (RGS) for all competing rowers.

Introduction of Rowing Grade Scores

Commencing from the next local regatta – the ANU Regatta on 4 February 2017 – Rowing Grade […]


Radford Time Trial Wednesday 25th January

Radford College would like to thank the Rowing ACT community for their courtesy and consideration during the time trial that was conducted on the Yarramundi course on Saturday morning.

Radford rowing indicates all lake users, including the many visitors in town, displayed courtesy to our scullers by giving them flat water and space in which to complete their piece.

Radford asks that clubs please convey to their members our thanks for their co operation.

Radford will be conducting another time trial for our junior shed this Wednesday morning 25th January from about 7:00am. Scullers will be in lane 7 only […]


Incoming RACT Executive Officer

RACT has hired a replacement Executive Officer.

He is Josh O’Brien and he will assume his role on 7 February, 2017.

Josh is currently Sports Operations Manager for Boxing Australia Ltd.
In his current role he manages that organisation’s finances, provides strategic and administrative support to the CEO and Board, manages Development and Talent Identification Programs, helps administer High Performance programs, has organised National and Oceania events, and compiled Annual reports, Social media etc.

Josh has held his current position at Boxing Australia since September 2013.

Rowing ACT welcomes Josh to our sport, and we look forward to a […]