Author Archive for: David

Entries by David

Head of Molonglo: Altered lake Traffic rules on Sunday morning

On Sunday 16th November the Head of the Molonglo will commence at 8am from the Molonglo Reach.

Our normal lake traffic rules will not apply in the period 8am to 8:30am as crews will attempt to row the shortest route and will therefore be travelling on the southern side of the lake while travelling east past the National Library, and through Commonwealth Avenue Bridge.
We ask all clubs to notify their members of this change to our traffic rules and ask that all rowers avoid going near the competing crews.

Safety and Courtesy on the lake

It is important that all clubs are safety aware and risk averse, and have a safety officer responsible for monitoring club equipment and protocols.
It is important that each club’s safety officer conduct a safety audit now that the season is commencing, particularly checking that all boats have bow balls and all rowing shoes have heel restraints that allow “hands-free” release of feet. All fitted shoes must be attached with less than 7cm of play between heel and the footplate and all quick release mechanisms must be in working order.

It is also timely to remind coaches about washes […]

Reminder about Tinny licences

The Water Police have indicated that from 1 October they will be checking boats for registration compliance. As clubs should be aware, the NCA has introduced a new tinny registration protocol, that has additional requirements for clubs to have fulfilled. Please ensure that all tinnies are registered, and that all tinny drivers are carrying their licences.

ALL A.C.T. TINNY drivers MUST have a NSW BOAT DRIVER’S licence, irrespective of the potential speed of their coaching boat. This A.C.T. requirement is different from that in N.S.W.

Ignorance of the local regulations will be hard to argue, given that you have […]

Call for Nominations for Selectors of King’s Cup Regatta State Team

Rowing ACT is looking to appoint selectors for the 2015 state crews at the inter-state regatta.

Ideally, nominees for this position should have recent experience in some of the following:
• Coaching at elite level
• Competition at elite level
• Management of elite athletes and coaches
• Be familiar with current national rowing trends
• Have strong analytical skills
The successful nominees must:
• Attend meetings as required by from time to time
• Attend regattas as required from time to time
• Attend selection events as required

When you […]


Sykes Racing Single for sale to suit heavyweights


• Jeff Sykes

• Carbon Kevlar and honeycomb.
• Aluminium wing rigger

Mould: 25
Croker Blades included!


Built for average weight of 95kg

This is a minimum weight boat, built for Daramalan College in 1998. It is in good condition (could do with a re-spray if you want the look of a new boat) and would suit a sculler above 80kg and would easily cope with 100kg. I have recently rowed the boat and was surprised at how comfortable it felt – still lively and responsive, despite its age (and mine!).

This boat […]


Message from the NCA regarding repairs to Scrivener Dam

Dear Scrivener Dam Stakeholders,

In December 2011, NCA commenced the process of repairing Scrivener Dam as a result of identifying significant corrosion in the hinge anchor bolts that fasten the flood gates to the dam. In the first twelve months of this project, the NCA procured the services of a team of dam experts to advise on the way forward and to design a solution that would maintain dam safety through the construction period and would make the dam safe from this problem re-occurring for another 100 years.

Early this year, our contractors undertaking the construction works (Structural Systems Western) […]


Black Mountain sculler racing in Australian Under 21 team

Black Mountain Rowing Club sculler Luke Letcher has been selected to represent Australia in the Trans Tasman competition, and is already racing the best from New Zealand at Sydney International Rowing Centre. Over the weekend Luke and ANU sculler Emily Caudle trialled against the best of Australia’s Under 21 rowers and scullers for a place on the Australian team. In these trials, Emily’s best result was winning the B Final for the women scullers. Luke showed good form in the single, and was selected in the Australian team. The New Zealand team have been training in Sydney in preparation for […]


New Rowing Pontoons at Black Mountain Peninsula

Two new Superior Jetties rowing pontoons were installed yesterday. These jetties replace the single very old and fragile timber jetty that has served Black Mountain and Daramalan clubs through most of the entire clubs’ lives at Black Mountain Peninsula.
The pontoons were funded by a combination of funds from an ACT Sport and Recreational Services Capital Development grant, a substantial contribution from the National Capital Authority and Black Mountain Rowing Club funds.
The contribution from the NCA to replace the existing platform followed years of lobbying from the Association and the local clubs, because it was dilapidated and […]


Training in Winter on the lake

Winter is approaching with lower water temperatures in the lake.

It is important that all rowers wear sufficient layers of clothing, and that single scullers train with a friend.
A minimum of four oars in any training session is a recommendation that applies in winter, particularly if training in darkness. Four oars implies a double scull, or two singles, or a four (sweep-oared) rather than a pair.

I have re-posted the following advice from last winter.

Cold water can kill! Sudden immersion in cold water below 15C is potentially dangerous. The effects of cold water mean that even […]


Thanks to all our volunteers at the 2013 Australian MastersRowing Championships

Dear Rowers and Rowing Supporters,

Rowing ACT hosted the very successful 2013 Australian Masters Rowing Championship (AMRC) regatta on Lake Burley Griffin’s Yarramundi Reach as part of Canberra’s Centenary Celebrations from 25 to 28th April.

This Regatta was unique for a number of important reasons.

The strong connection between rowing and the armed forces was reflected in events linked to Anzac Day, which coincided with the opening day of the regatta. An impressive ANZAC commemorative ceremony included the Australian Federation Guard mounting a Catafalque Party at a temporary cenotaph and a short commemorative service, playing of the Last Post and […]