Author Archive for: David

Entries by David


Canberra Crews Dominate In Tasmania

Canberra Rowing Club have returned to Canberra after winning more races than any other club at the Rowing Australia Masters Championships at Lake Barrington in Tasmania. This dominant performance against the best Victorian, NSW and Queensland clubs was centred around scullers Emy Ayliffe, Susan Linacre and John Simson who won their respective age group single sculls, and also anchored many winning doubles, and quads, as well as several sweep oared events. Canberra Rowing Club has always been a major force within Australian Masters rowing but this was the first time it topped the medal table at this annual regatta. Black […]


Coaching Boat Etiquette

A reminder to all coaches that we should be aware of other crews on the lake and follow these rules when coaching from a tinnie:

· Tinnie drivers to show reasonable courtesy to users of unpowered craft (eg. rowers and canoeists)

· Cut wash when passing rower(s) travelling in the opposite direction

· When a moving tinnie is being approached from behind by a faster rowing boat, cut wash to allow the faster rowing boat to pass

· Minimise tinnie wash in East Basin

· Minimise tinnie wash on Yarramundi Reach when travelling South towards the start line

· A […]


Major Logs Still in the Lake

Canberra Rowing Club have sustained damage to several of their boats, losing fins and having holes punched in some of their best boats.

There are still submerged logs slowly detaching and resurfacing after some time under the water. Canberra RC coaches and members have removed them each time and now have removed 5 logs from the lake (1 large enough that it spread all across lanes 5 & 6 … needed a few helpers to lift and shift).

Please keep an eye out and if you see anything please either try pick it up, shift to the closest bank or […]


ACT Master’s crews announced

ACT Men’s Eight ACT Men’s Quad ACT Women’s Quad Ted Hall
Damien Pentony
Martin Little
Steve Sminschim
Geoff Brown
Randal Lawrence
John Daley
Peter Laidlaw

Rebecca McCallum

Tony Wilkes
Michael Clifford
Kym Fisher
Andy Horsburgh



Emmy Ayliffe
Susan Donoghoe
Evelyn Sommer
Deb Cook





Call for Entries Winter Time Trial number 1

The first of Rowing ACT’s Winter Time Trials will be held on the weekend of 21 and 22 May 2011.
The format of the event is small boats (singles and pairs) on the Saturday and big boats on Sundays.
The course is 4km long and runs from near the Dam, around a turning boat near the 1800m start, down Yarramundi Reach, around Kurrajong Point and up Tarcoola Reach finishing at the first of the white timber piles, opposite the AIS in Lotus Bay.
Entries should be via your club, and sent electronically. Entries close at midnight on […]


Rowing ACT Office returns to Sports House in Hackett

Rowing ACT’s Administrative/Development Officer James Hammond is to be located at Sports House, 100 Maitland Street Hacket. The association is grateful for assistance from Gail of ACTSport in finding an appropriate desk for James. James shares an office with ACT Croquet on the left hand side of the corridor about a third of the way along. We thank ACT Croquet for renting this space to us.
Most of you will be aware that ACTRA has had an office at Sports House for many years with all of our various Exec Officers located there up until very recently. It has […]


Administration/Development Officer appointed

James Hammond this morning accepted Rowing ACT’s offer of part-time employment as an Administrator and Development Officer for rowing in the ACT.
James has been coaching in the ACT at Canberra Girls Grammar, and is completing a degree in Sports Science at UC. He previously coached the Senior boys at Redlands, and was a rower at Drummoyne Rowing Club and at Shore School. James experience in these clubs and schools, and his University studies will be invaluable for the many local rowers, and contribute to the continued growth of our sport. We warmly welcome him on board.
James […]


Major obstacle in Central Basin

The major dragon boat regatta commences later in the week and their brand new start platform is in place off the National Library.
I understand that the platform will be removed after the regatta is over.
The starting platform is 80 metres wide so that all crews travelling through Central Basin will see it.
I dont think it has lights on it, and it provides a major hazard for crews training in darkness, and for coxless crews that train without looking around much.
So have a look and admire the starting platform.
We will have […]


ACT Masters Representative Crews 2011

Those ACT based Masters rowers who are attending the Australian Masters rowing Championships at Lake Barrington in June, and who wish to be considered for inclusion in the ACT crews are asked to e-mail David Bagnall ( with details of your age this year, and whether you wish to be considered for the eight, or quad or either boat before 4 April 2011.