Author Archive for: vmcmahon

Entries by vmcmahon


ACT Rowing Association Annual General Meeting

The ACTRA AGM was held last night and a new board elected. The new president, David Bagnall said:
“Brendon Prout is to be commended on his nine years as president of ACTRA. This
period has seen major changes in the administration of the sport in the ACT
including significant changes to the constitution and creation of the Executive
Officer position. Brendon’s contribution is therefore very significant and on
behalf of all of us l thank him for his extensive efforts.

I would also like to thank Suzie Nermutova and Rick Worboys for their […]


ACT Rowing Charity Trivia Night – Saturday 14 November 09

Please join in this fun get together for all rowers, their families, and friends.
It is being held this Saturday 14 November 2009 6pm to 9pm at the Canberra Club, 45
West Row Civic. Dinner is available for purchase, and bar facilities are also
available. Tables of 8 to 10 people or individuals most welcome. All proceeds going
to Beyond Blue – The National Depression Initiative. The cost is $10 per person. If
possible, please rsvp:
0435017445. Advance payments can be made to account name: Jolly Frog Yoga, BSB:
062908, Account […]


BMRC Regatta (#1) – Results

The results of todays regatta have been published here. The regatta was run in perfect conditions:
14-21�C with the breeze 7-15 kph from SSE through to ENE; cloudy
at first then clearing to beautiful spring day to be watching a regatta on
Yarramundi Reach.


BMRC Regatta (#1) – Programme and Draw

This weekend’s regatta programme and draw are now available.

Lake Burley Griffin partial closure – Sunday 15
The National Capital Authority has announced that LBG will be closed between Blue
Gum Point and Orana Bay during the period 09:00 to 13:30 on Sunday 15 November.
This to allow the running of the Telopea Open Swim. This will prevent traffic
leaving or entering Yarralumla Bay and the AIS jetties during this period.