Author Archive for: vmcmahon

Entries by vmcmahon

Major Update of the By-Laws – what is involved

 A significant update of the By-Laws becomes operable today.   The main changes relate to the Status Rules, regatta cancellation and the Code of Conduct.  The By-Laws have also been updated to ensure the consistent use of terminology and an extended definitions section has been added to make reading easier.   The updated By-Laws are now available on the website and should be read by all Member Clubs. Rower Grade Scores Rowing ACT announced on 23 January that commencing from the ANU Regatta on 4 February 2017, Rowing Grade Scores will be used to classify the eligibility […]

Canberra RC 1,800m Trials – Sunday 15th Jan (7:00-7:15 / 8:00-8:15)

Canberra Rowing Club will be conducting some time trials this Sunday over the 1800m Yarramundi course as part of their Men’s squad selection process.   Two trials are being undertaken, the first commencing at 7am and the second at 8am. Each of the trials is expected to see the course in use (Lanes 4, 5, 6& 7) for a maximum of approximately 15min only each time. It would be much appreciated if other users could be mindful of the trials during these short periods, keeping clear of the course if possible and give way to any rowers racing. Similarly if coaching boats could minimise […]

2016-17 Point Score Update

An update of the 2016-17 point score as we hit the second half of the season.

Per Event CLRC Radford Tugger Sprints BMRC Regatta TOTAL M W TOT M W TOT M W TOT M W TOT M W TOT CRC 28 30 58 5 10 15 3.5 32.5 36 35.5 30.5 66 72 103 175 BMRC 31 11 42 5 6 11 18 18 36 26.5 12 38.5 80.5 47 127.5 Rad 4 4 8 0 5 5 34 46 80 18 14 32 56 69 125 CGS 6 6 8 8 71 71 0 0 85 – 85 […]

2017 ACT State Team Selection Process Announced

The Interstate Team Process for the 2017 Interstate Regatta has been announced.

All Rowers, Coxswains and Coaches wishing to nominate for the 2017 ACT Interstate Team must follow the Rowing ACT Selection Policy along with the Rowing ACT Selection Process. See below:

Rowing ACT – 2017 State Team Selection Policy

Rowing ACT – 2017 State Team Selection Process

Nominations to be made at this link


2017 ACT State Team Policy Announced

The Interstate Team Policy for the 2017 Interstate Regatta has been announced.

All Rowers, Coxswains and Coaches wishing to nominate for the 2017 ACT Interstate Team must follow the Rowing ACT Selection Policy along with the Rowing ACT Selection Process. See below:

Rowing ACT – 2016 State Team Selection Policy

Rowing ACT – 2016 State Team Selection Process (TBA – once Rowing Australia provide the dates for 2016-17 National Selection events Rowing ACT will announce the Selection Process. This will be similar  to the process used last year)

Nominations to be made using the below form.


The Tuggeranong Regatta is being held on Lake Burley Griffin rowing course this Saturday morning, 26th of November. Please advise your members that the rowing course will be closed from 7:00 AM to 12:45 PM for this event.

A reminder that it is not being held on Lake Tuggeranong due to an event clash with an international disability sailing regatta at that venue this weekend.


Vacancy – Executive Officer Rowing ACT

Applications are invited for the position of Executive Officer Rowing ACT.  Applications should be submitted by 7 December although the Board reserves the right to consider late applications.

Responsible to:

The Rowing ACT Board through the President.

Primary Role:

This position involves both administration of the sport of Rowing in the ACT and facilitating its development and growth. It will involve management, communication and coordination of the sport’s volunteers, contractors and members along with event planning and management.


 The Executive Officer will manage, co-ordinate and implement policy of Rowing ACT, co-ordinate regattas and events, liaise with, coordinate and communicate […]

Michael Cusack Moving On

The Board of Rowing ACT congratulates Michael on his appointment as the Active Y Co-ordinator at YMCA.  Michael is expected to take up that position on 9 January.

Michael has been intimately involved in the rowing scene in Canberra as the Executive Officer, since July 2014, and as a rower.    He has brought great cheer and enthusiasm to the job and has been a credit to Rowing ACT.  While he will be missed in his role as Executive Officer, he will continue to have strong ties with the rowing community.

The position of Executive Officer is now being advertised.