Archive for category: News

The final draw for the Radford Regatta is now available here: schedule; draw; program. We will be using the REVERSE TRAFFIC FLOW again map is here. The reverse traffic flow is only to be used for the during the the regatta and for 30 minutes before, ie 7am. Please exercise caution around the Black Mountain buoys and stick close to the course buoy line when traveling to the start. Clubs and Coaches please make sure all rowers and coxswains are aware of the reverse traffic flow and have seen the map. If your club will be erecting a tent at the finish area in Weston Park, could it please be erected slightly back from the waters edge to allow for spectators to view the finish line. Thanks. The crew change form losts its links within this site, but it is now back. You can find it here, or via the ACTRA Info. link in the index to the left.

Congratulations to those who trialed yesterday morning for the ACT womens quad for the Australian Masters Rowing Championships. The following crew has been selected and endorsed by the ACTRA Management Committee:
Susan Donoghoe Pam Nash Susan Linacre Judy Walsh
We wish the crew the best of luck for training and competition. World Masters Rowing Championships – Zagreb, Sept 2007 – ACT Participants Are you interested in attending the FISA World Masters Rowing Championships in Zagreb, Croatia (6-9th Sept 07) ????? Currently looking at a package deal supplied by airservices (sydney travel agent used by Rowing Australia). A group booking may be advantageous. Both airfares and accommodation quoted on. If you are interested please email (m:0428 219 564)

A description of how the ACT Rower Status Score System works has been posted here. It is also linked from the ACTRA Info page in the index to the left. ACT Championships Event List The Event list for the ACT Rowing Championships to be held on the weekend of 24-25 March, is here.

The National Capital Authority has warned that people should not swim in East Basin and be careful of avoiding any algal blooms found elsewhere in LBG. The media release can be found here. Lake Burley Griffin Temporary Closure – Acacia Inlet – Thursday 22 February Acacia Inlet (next to the finish of the course on Yarramundi Reach) will be closed for a few hours on Thursday afternoon to allow the safe demolition of a bridge at Glenloch Interchange. ACT Rowing Association Rules of Racing Changed The ACTRA Board has approved a new set of rules of racing. They can be found here, or in the ACTRA Info link in the index at the left. The old “Status Rules” are now superceded. NSW Rowing Championships – Wide Ranging ACT Athlete Success There were many great results by ACT athletes at the NSW Rowing Championships held this weekend at SIRC. Go to the NSW Rowing web site for the full results. Hopefully, someone will summarise the ACT results here in the next few days.

The nutrition workshop has been postponed due the speaker no longer being available. We are organising a replacement and will advertise the date shortly. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Radford College Regatta – Entries this weekend Entries close this weekend for the Radford Regatta on 24 February. See your club for details. ACTRA Regatta – Saturday 03 March – Call for Entries The ACTRA Regatta is only one week after the Radford Regatta – therefore, entries close next weekend, 24-25 February, the same weekend as the Radford Regatta. Entries are to go into ROMS via your club. An event list is available here. Australian Rowing Championships – Entries Close this weekend Entries to the ARCs go into ROMS via your club and the regatta entries close this coming Sunday night. NSW Rowing Championships – This weekend The NSW championships are at SIRC this weekend. See the NSW Rowing web site for results. There are many ACT athletes competing.

ANU Boat Club is looking for coaches to assist in its rowing program from late February through to late March, when the club will be recruiting a large number of new student members. New crews of various standards will be getting together and will require coaching. However, a priority through to the end of March will be a structured learn-to-row program for those who are trying the sport for the first time. Sessions can be fitted around coaches availability. Coaches who can assist with anything from 2 hours a week to 20 hours a week are welcome. Payment for coaching is at the rate of $25/hr. All enquiries and offers of assistance can be directed to Nick Hunter on 0412 268 753 or at

The full team has been announced to represent the ACT at the Australian Rowing Championships being held at Nagambie, Victoria during the week Monday 5 to Sunday 11 March 2007. The team is:

W8+ WY8+ MY8+ M8+ Burraston, Lauren (CRC) Balmaks, Emily (CGGS) Barnier, Nick (ACTAS/CGS) Crouch, James (ACTAS/ANU) Burraston, Yasmin (ACTAS/ANU) Hare, Zoe (BMRC) Carron-Arthur, Bradley (CGS) Foran, Miles (SUBC) Cook, Emma (AIS/CLRC) Lawrence, Diana (CGGS) Cleaver, Zac (ACTAS/CRC) Jones, Craig (ACTAS/CRC) Cook, Sarah (AIS/CRC) Miller, Alexa (RAD) Graham, Reese (CRC) Punch, Mitchell (ACTAS/CRC) Foran, Jess (MUBC) Miniter, Amy (CGGS) Greig, Richard (CGS) Ritchie, Chris (SUBC) Mills, Sonia (AIS/CRC) Neil, Erin (ACTAS/CLRC) Tridgell, Anthony (CGS) Sandral, Laurence (CRC) Northam, Christabelle (ACTAS/CGGS) Patrick, Tess (CGGS) Watkins, Tom (CRC) Southwell, Ben (ACTAS/ANU) Tamsitt, Veronica (CGGS) Winkworth, Clare (CRC) Wise, Ben (CGS) Wilcox, Mack (ACTAS/ANU) Whelan, Ann (CRC) – Coxswain Long, Ali (CGGS) Winkworth, Robbie (CGS) – Coxswain Winkworth, Robbie (CGS- Coxswain) TBA – Coach Dafydd Gwynn-Jones (CGGS) – Coach Jason Cain (CGS) – Coach Regan Sanders (ACTAS/CRC) – Coach

ACT Rowing Championships – Draft Event List for comment A draft event list for the ACT Rowing Championships is available here. Comments should be made through your club representative before next Wednesday. Canberra Grammar School Regatta – Revised Rower Status Scores The revised Rower Status Scores for the people who competed in the CGS Regatta can be found here.

10 Feb 07 Canberra Grammar School Regatta – Results You can find the results to today’s regatta here. The regatta was run in perfect conditions after an early electrical storm delayed the start. Radford College Regatta – Call for Entries Entries are now open for the Radford Regatta to be held on Saturday, 24 February. Entries close with ACTRA on Sunday, 18 February – earlier at your club. An event list is available here. ACTRA Workshop – Michelle Cort on Nutrition & Recovery The next workshop in the excellent series this season is scheduled for Thursday, 22 February. This will be held at Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett, starting at 7pm. Further information will be provided closer to the event.

Bulletin #2 for the Australian Rowing Championships is now available along with an indicative event list (by day) at the Rowing Victoria web site. Entries are also open in ROMS (login required).

The final draw for the CGS Regatta this coming Saturday can be found here –> schedule; draw; program. Note that the water level is too low to boat from the normal finish position. Therefore, regatta boating will be from Kurrajong Point in Weston Park. Catering will be from here, and ACTRA Boat Race Officials will have a representative here. Boat circulation in the finish area will be the “reverse traffic flow” as shown in the diagram here.

Rowing Australia is seeking a local member of the rowing community to assist with the transportation of its boat fleet on a casual basis. The first driving requirement will be from Monday 5 February Thursday 8 February! The driver will be provided a vehicle and financially compensated for their time. Accommodation, fuel expenses and incidentals will also be covered. Assistance will be provided at each point with loading/unloading of boats. Please contact Noel Donaldson (6256 5999, to register your interest and for specific details.