Archive for category: News

The Masters State Team Selection Regatta will be run on the rowing course this Saturday 21st February between 6:30am and 7:30am prior to the commencement of the Radford Regatta.

Rowing ACT will close the rowing course off to general use during this time.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Rowing ACT.

Details will be provided shortly to those who have nominated regarding the selection process moving forward.

Please be aware that the previously advised format of the National Omnium has changed for tomorrow (Saturday) morning.

Participating athletes will now be racing over the rowing course at 5 minute intervals between 8:00am and 9:15am.

On-water marshals will be asking other rowers to stay clear of the rowing course during this time.

Apologies for any inconveniences caused and thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Please be aware that ACTAS, in partnership with the AIS and local ACT clubs, will be hosting the National Omnium Trials this Friday and Saturday. The National Omnium Trials will consist of the below outlined Time Trials.


  1. Rowing ACT advises that athletes have permission to take the shortest course possible on the Friday Time Trials; and
  2. On Saturday, where the time trails are held on the rowing course, Rowing ACT asks that other rowers and coaches show courtesy to trialling athletes when navigating the rowing course.

Friday 30th Jan Time Trial #1 – Small Boats:

Start – 7:00am

Course – Participating athletes will be trailing from the white poles (finish of the Winter TT Course) to Kingston Harbor between 7:00am and 7:45am.

Friday 30th Jan Time Trial #2 – Medium-Large Boats:

Start – 10:00am

Course – Participating athletes will be trailing in medium to large boats from the white poles (finish of the Winter TT Course) to Kingston Harbor between 10:00am and 10:45am.

Saturday 31st Jan Time Trial #1 – Small Boats:

Start – 8:00am

Course – Participating athletes will be trailing over 1,800m. The athletes will be set off in waves from the start of the rowing course between 8:00am and 8:30am

Saturday  31st Jan Time Trial #2 – Small Boats:

Start – 10:00am

Course – Participating athletes will be trailing over 1,000m. The athletes will be set off in waves between 10:00am and 10:30am from the 1,000m marker on the rowing course.

When the new Rules were adopted last December RACT undertook to consult on updated By-laws.

The draft By-laws seek to consolidate key policies.  They include the coverage of the current By-laws, Rules of Racing, Status Rules and Points.  They also reference privacy policy and other Rowing Australia policies.  In respect of the Rules of Racing, it now sets out the principles we follow in respect of Rowing Australia’s Rules of Racing and does not attempt to cross-reference documents, particularly since Rowing Australia is reviewing its Rules of Racing.

We would appreciate comment and suggestions on:

  •  the content of the By-laws; and
  • whether you would like any other policies incorporated into the By-laws, noting that some policies, such as the Order of Events, change from year to year and would not be suitable for such a document.

We would appreciate receiving comments by COB Wednesday 4 March.  The Board will then consider whether a meeting with Member Clubs needs to be convened to deal with any issues.  If not, we would expect the By-laws to be formally released by the end of March.

Comments may be sent to, which will be forwarded to all Board members.

Please be advised of the below Radford time trials to take place over the next week.

Radford Time Trial #1 – Sunday the 25th of January

This Sunday the 25th of January, Radford College will be conducting grading trials on the Yarramundi course from approximately 7:00am.

Radford rowers will be doing a 1500m time trial in lane 7 weather permitting. They will be identifiable as they will be carrying bow numbers.

Radford expects this process will take approximately 90 minutes.

Radford Time Trial #2 – Wednesday the 28th of January

Next Wednesday the 28th of January, Radford College will be conducting another grading trial on the Yarramundi course from approximately 7:00am.

This time trial will be done in the same format as Time Trial #1 and is expected to take approximately 90 minutes.


Radford kindly asks other rowers and coaches to be considerate of trialling athletes.

Australia Day is fast approaching and with it the Australia Day Bridge to Bridge Regatta! This event is for mixed eights (4 men & 4 women) and runs from Kings Avenue Bridge, through Central Basin to Commonwealth Avenue Bridge. Many of the crews compete in fancy dress outfits.

Race start time is 8:35am.

To encourage fine fancy crew dress Rowing ACT is OFFERING A $200.00 GIFT VOUCHER to the Double Shot Café in Deakin for the best fancy dressed crew, as judged by Rowing ACT representatives. Crew dress will be judged based on –

  • Creativity;
  • Colour; and
  • ‘Aussie spirit’

The winners of the Bridge to Bridge will each be awarded an ACT Golden Jubilee Medallion for their efforts. These limited edition medallions celebrate 50 great years of rowing in the nation’s capital.

2014-08-01 15.13.19

Details of the presentation ceremony will be coming soon!

Entries will be handled though Rowing Manager and standard entry fees apply.

Canberra Grammar School will be conducting a selection time trial on the rowing course on Monday 19 January. The course will be over 1800m and boats will be rowing down lanes 5/6. First boat will depart at 6:30am, last boat at about 7:15am.

CGS would appreciate wash being kept to a minimum & those lanes being kept free during this time.

CGS Rowing apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.

Canberra Rowing Club’s Senior Men’s Squad will be conducting their second and final 1,800m sculling trials this Sunday the 18th of January along Yarramundi Reach.

These scull trails will take place between 07:00 – 07:15 and 07:45 – 08:00.

Coaches of this squad have kindly asked other rowers to be respectful of trialing athletes.

A message from Canberra Girls Grammar School to the ACT rowing community.

‘CGGS will be conducting the following selection time trials on Wednesday 21 & Thursday 22 January 2015.

  • Wednesday’s trial will start at 6:50am with last boat off the course at the 500m NLT 7:10am, but this TT will continue to the white pylon off the AIS.
  • Thursday’s trial will start at 6:50am with last boat off the course NLT 7:15am. This TT will commence at the 1500m start.

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes, and ask coaches to try to keep their wash on the course to a minimum for these short periods.

Thanks you.’