Archive for category: News

The Shore School are turning over the following boats.
All boats have been well looked after. All offers will be considered.

1994 Kirs 4x+ 85kg ave weight $800 ono
1996 Kirs 4x+ 85kg ave weight $1000 ono
1996 Kirs Eight 85/90kg ave weight $1500 ono (will need new riggers)
1999 Kirs Eight 85/90kg ave weight $4000 ono
2001 Kirs Eight 85/90kg ave weight $5000 ono
2006 Carmody 4+ 85/90kg ave weight $5000 ono
2011 Kirs 8+ 85/90kg ave weight + Oars $15000 ono
(This eight is priced for a quick sale it is in excellent condition)

Contact: Glenn Bates


Mould 30 ,2003, suit 85 plus kg weight rower, now 10 years old. Excellent condition.

Not used by masters owner in past 2 years due to medical condition.

Wired for speed coach. High quality package includes scull, speed coach, set of croker adjustable 190 slicks, boat cover, car cradle.

Boat available for inspection in Canberra.

$6700 the package

Contact John on 0417 232 148 or (02) 6254 7233

Canberra Rowing Club has cleaned up the 2012-2013 rowing season winning the Premiership by 92 points over Black Mountain Rowing Club in addition to winning both the Men’s and Women’s Premierships. CRC secured their victory with an impressive campaign during the ACT Championships earning a total of 300 points again ahead of Black Mountain by a total of 121 points. Radford College has again performed well rounding out the top three with a total of 548 points.

The Premierships point score was mirrored in both the Men’s and Women’s Premierships with Canberra Rowing Club ahead of both Black Mountain and Radford respectively.

Congratulations to all the members of Canberra Rowing Club for a tremendous effort. Congratulations also to Black Mountain Rowing Club who completed an impressive season finishing in second place with 630.5 points following a seventh in the 2011-2012 season with 136 points. Lake Tuggeranong Rowing Club should also be congratulated for performing well this season, tripling their overall points to push Gippsland Grammar from the top ten.

Thank you to all who have made such a large season such a success.

View the complete Rowing ACT 2012-2013 Premiership Point Score .

Final 2012-2013 Premiership Point Score Top 10
Updated 30/05/2013

|1|Canberra Rowing Club|420*|302.5*|722.5|
|2|Black Mountain Rowing Club|341.5|289|630.5|
|3|Radford College|318|230|548|
|4|Marist College|250|0|250|
|5|Canberra Boys Grammar|240|0|240|
|6|ANU BC|88|146|234|
|7|Daramalan College|63|170|233|
|8|Canberra Girls Grammar School|0|184|184|
|9|Lake Tuggeranong RC|123|42.5|165.5|
|10|Capital Lakes RC|13|144|157|

*Mens and Womens Premiership Winners

Rowing Australia has confirmed the dates for the 2014 Sydney International Regatta, Australian National Masters Champs and the World Masters Championships.

Sydney International Rowing Regatta
Sydney International Regatta Centre, Penrith NSW
Monday 24 – Sunday 30 March 2014
Website –

Australian National Masters Championships
West Lakes, Adelaide SA
Thursday 1 – Sunday 4 May 2014
Website – TBC

World Rowing Masters Regatta
Lake Wendouree, Ballarat VIC
Thursday 9 – Sunday 12 October 2014
Website –

Winter Time Trial I

“Saturday’s Draw”:file_download/390
“Sunday’s Draw”:file_download/391
“Results for Saturday”:file_download/394
“Results for Sunday”:file_download/395

Winter is approaching with lower water temperatures in the lake.

It is important that all rowers wear sufficient layers of clothing, and that single scullers train with a friend.
A minimum of four oars in any training session is a recommendation that applies in winter, particularly if training in darkness. Four oars implies a double scull, or two singles, or a four (sweep-oared) rather than a pair.

I have re-posted the following advice from last winter.

Cold water can kill! Sudden immersion in cold water below 15C is potentially dangerous. The effects of cold water mean that even healthy, good swimmers can drown after a short period of time in the water. The UK Adopt the ‘One minute – One degree rule’ helps plan rescue ie. if the water temperature is 10C assume you will have 10 minutes of time to usefully get yourself out of the water.

The following (Potomac River Safety website) are recommendations for rowing (particularly in singles) in the winter in Canberra:

• Let others know you will be on the lake and when.
• Four Oar Rule- the boat must have a minimum of 4 oars on the water, or
• Buddy System- if individuals go out they should do so in pairs.
• Wear inflatable, compact, life vest or wet suit.
• Stay closer to shore.
• A noise maker of some kind should be carried in each shell and be attached in some manner so as not to be lost if the shell capsizes.

However, the only true safety device or practice other than common sense is a support/coaching launch. In the event of an emergency a well-prepared safety launch can assist the individuals in question and transport them to safety. Even then hypothermia is an issue. All individuals should ask themselves before launching if being on the water is the best and only way to train.

If there is a capsize it is a priority to get as much of your body out of the water as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is to lie across the upturned hull of the boat.

City to the Lake Stakeholder Consultation-Lake Users

‘Tent in West Basin’
When: Sunday19 May 2013 – 10.00am-4.00pm
Where: West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin, off Barrine Drive, Acton (near Mr Spokes Bicycle Hire and Lake Burley Griffin Boat Hire kiosk)
Who would be interested: All lake users

The ACT Government is asking the community for your views about the City to the Lake project.

Come to the ‘Tent in West Basin’ to find out more, ask questions and have your say.

Linking the City to the Lake is a transformational project being developed within The City Plan.

The City Plan focuses on the city centre, including Civic and its surrounds. It is looking at the City as a whole to determine a comprehensive approach for the City’s future as an economically vibrant and attractive centre. The plan will look at the role of the City, transport and movement, growth in the City and improvements to the public realm. The City Plan will provide a framework for future growth and projects such as City to the Lake. The City to Lake project will extend the city towards the lake and better use the broad southern flank of the City. The study area stretches from West Basin to Anzac Parade, and will include new lakeside and City to the Lake residential, business and leisure opportunities, and improvements to Parkes Way to better connect the City and the lake. It identifies potential locations for a 30,000+ rectangular sports stadium, new convention centre, and a regional aquatic facility and urban beach.

The main components of the City to the Lake are:
 Alteration of Parkes Way into a ‘smart boulevard’ that is split level allowing free flowing traffic at the lower level and introducing local streets at the surface;
 Traffic calming of Vernon Circle and London Circuit together with the development of new streets to service the proposed West Basin residential and community areas;
 Integration and extension of Capital Metro to serve the whole City centre and connections to other town centres;
 A new diverse City precinct at West Basin and associated cultural facilities;
 Identifying and reserving potential sites for Australia Forum i.e. a new convention and exhibition centre, new city stadium and new regional aquatic facility and urban beach;
 Residential apartments mixed with commercial, retail and cultural facilities delivering 15,000 to 20,000 new residents.
 Strategically located multi-use car parks that provide for events and commuter car parking.
 Development consistent with Amendments 59, 60 and 61 of the National Capital Plan.

To learn more and join the conversation:
Website: and click on the City to the Lake tab
Exhibition: Information display at Suite 1, 72 Northbourne Avenue (south east corner Northbourne Avenue and Cooyong Street), Canberra City
Survey: and at Exhibition site at Suite 1, 72 Northbourne Ave
City Plan enewsletter:

Consultation 26 March – 21 May 2013

Please note as James will be on leave entries are to be submitted to Jacqui Williams. Email link below.

The first of the Rowing ACT 2013 Winter Time Trials will be held on the 18th and 19th May 2013. The format of the event is singles and pairs on the Saturday, doubles, quads, fours and eights on Sunday. Please note that doubles will now longer be allowed to compete in Saturdays Time Trial.

Winter Time Trial Seat Fees remain at $6.60 inc GST.

The course is 3km long and runs from near the Governor Generals wharf, around a turning boat near the 1800m start, down Yarramundi Reach, around Kurrajong Point and up Tarcoola Reach finishing at the first of the white timber piles, opposite the AIS in Lotus Bay.

The series winner for each category of boat is determined by a point score based on handicap times. Crews/scullers receive one point for each race they complete, plus one point for each opponent in that race that they beat on handicap time. Crews can accumulate series points provided they do not change more than 25% of their crew from one time trial to the next.

Entries should be via your club and sent by email to Jacqueline Williams. Entries close at 10pm on the Friday preceding the time trial (May 10). Larger clubs may collate entries into the template spread sheet below.

Download the “spread sheet template”:file_download/386.

Dear Rowers and Rowing Supporters,

Rowing ACT hosted the very successful 2013 Australian Masters Rowing Championship (AMRC) regatta on Lake Burley Griffin’s Yarramundi Reach as part of Canberra’s Centenary Celebrations from 25 to 28th April.

This Regatta was unique for a number of important reasons.

The strong connection between rowing and the armed forces was reflected in events linked to Anzac Day, which coincided with the opening day of the regatta. An impressive ANZAC commemorative ceremony included the Australian Federation Guard mounting a Catafalque Party at a temporary cenotaph and a short commemorative service, playing of the Last Post and laying of wreaths. Vice Admiral Peter Jones spoke of the history of the King’s Cup, and its presentation to the Australian Imperial Forces crew at the Royal Henley Peace regatta. At the conclusion of this ceremony the regatta commenced.

The AMRC was one of the largest regattas ever held in Australia. Although original planning for 750 competitors, organizers had the challenge of timetabling a very full program for 1100 individuals in 1600 crews. Thus the AMRC was significantly larger than the recent national championships in Sydney, although it was run over half the number of days of competition. Despite its size, the organization and running of the regatta involved an Organising Committee, Rowing ACT’s one employee, Executive Officer James Hammond, and an army of volunteers drawn from all the ACT’s clubs and schools. Virtually all of the ACT rowing community cheerfully participated in AMRC as volunteers and/or competitors. The enthusiasm of the volunteers contributed significantly to the regatta’s success. James Hammond was impressive both as an administrator and as regatta field of play ‘Mr Fix-It’.

The regatta consistently ran on time – an incredible achievement given the very large number of events many of which were only three minutes apart. The volunteer officials, and their management of crews at the start contributed to this clockwork precision, one competitor commenting that in 12 years of racing she has never experienced such graciousness on the start pontoon. Also contributing to the lack of delays or cancellations was that the Yarramundi Reach site is the most sheltered section of Lake Burley Griffin. Among recent National Masters regatta events cancellations are not uncommon, and the success of the 2013 AMRC further reinforces the view that LBG is not just a great training venue, it is also a great regatta venue.

This AMRC venue is unique among Australian National Championship venues in that it is not a dedicated Rowing course. It has not hosted Olympic or International events. The regatta village is a green fields site for rowing events and the Organising Committee jumped many administrative hurdles to facilitate the transition from civic park to regatta venue. This bureaucratic achievement establishes an administrative framework for future regattas at this site, and locks in this venue in the rotation of AMRC locations around Australia. The temporary rowing facilities that were built, bought or borrowed for this event included a 90m wide start platform, multiple aligners’ platforms, four boat launching platforms and a finish tower. All of these were erected, then dismantled within a 10 day timeframe, again reflecting the enthusiasm of those involved. The support of the Centenary Fund and a grant from ACT Sport and Recreation Services enabled RACT to purchase and hire some of these facilities and promote the event widely.

The AMRC was part of the Celebration of Canberra’s Centenary. The 2013 Australian Masters Rowing Championships is one of 51 community-based projects funded through the Centenary Community Initiatives fund. Although the ACT is hosting six Masters sporting events in 2013, the AMRC will be the largest of these. We were fortunate to have a number of local Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Minister for Sport, Kate Lundy, attend the event either to present medals or just experience the regatta and talk to competitors and spectators. Jeremy Lasek, Executive Director of the Centenary of Canberra, was impressed by the regatta and its organization when he dropped in on Sunday.

Interstate rowers went out of their way to tell the Organising Committee how much they enjoyed the regatta. We will seek further feedback from all competitors in the coming weeks but have appreciated comments like: “This is a good regatta. The culture of the officials at the start is very good”; and “This is the best ever Masters Regatta of the many that I have attended in Australia and overseas.”

The 2013 AMRC has seen changes introduced that might well be adopted elsewhere.
The success of this regatta involved innovations such as: moving the regatta into April away from wintery conditions in June; running presentations independently of the race calls; and boating arrivals near the spectators such that the various crews were applauded as they returned.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would like to thank our Principal Corporate Sponsor Wintech and Rowing Australia whose ongoing support for these Masters events is greatly appreciated.

David Bagnall (President Rowing ACT)
Ann Landrigan (Chair AMRC Organising Committee

The National Capital Authority advises Yarralumla Bay is now open to all users.
The area was temporarily closed on 25 March 2013 following a sewage leak at Yarralumla Bay in Yarralumla.


Melanie Skinner
Director, National Engagement
National Capital Authority