Archive for category: News

ACT based still water rowers in the Canberra Vikings surfboat crew were undefeated when winning every stage of the world’s longest and toughest ocean surf boat race. The 190km race down the NSW South Coast was held in seven daily stages from the 1st to the 7th of January. Seven of the eight Vikings rowers were former or current still water rowers: Riley Owen, Anthony Pardy, Henry Gundry and David Wright (from ANUBC), Lawrence Sandrall and Mitchell Punch (Canberra Rowing Club), Iain Brambell (a former Canadian International rower) were joined by journeyman surfboater Lee Boswell, and sweep/organiser Gavin Hunt. This Vikings crew dominated the race from start to finish, reflecting the strong endurance base that still water rowing provides, and superb organisational support from the Vikings club.
In the women’s category, a strong Torquay crew based on a contingent of Mercantile and MULRC still water rowers were winners of the overall race, but with Canberra Vikings filling third place, and Broulee Capitals fourth. The Vikings crew included current and former still water ACT rowers Christabelle Northam, Leiley Wallace, Imagen Cowan, Mel Greck, Taryn Langdon and Emma Wawn, while Amanda Brien and Pip butt were members of the Broulee Capitals.
These crews are showing that off-shore rowing is already a hit with Australian still water rowers, and that the George Bass Marathon is an amazing event for those involved.

ANU has made a clean sweep of the first day of the Head of the Molonglo, singles day. Riley Owen was the fastest men’s single in a time of 22 minutes 53 seconds, ahead of fellow ANU rower Peter MaCartney. Jacqui Williams of ANU was the fastest women’s single completing the course in 26 minutes and 9 seconds. Both Riley and Jacqui will receive an early Christmas bonus for their efforts receiving the $250 cash prize. Congratulations.

View the HotM Saturday results here .

View the HotM Sunday results here .

The 2011 HotM start list are available below

Crews and Scullers will be competing between the AIS White Poles and Kingston Boat Harbor via the most direct route. All other rowers are requested to keep clear between 7am and 8am.

Competitors are asked to be familiar with the below Instructions for Competitors.

Instructions for Competitors

HotM Saturday Start List

HotM Sunday Start List

Former ACT Rowing Executive Officer Camilla Hayman passed away last night.
Camilla will be remembered for her dynamism and enthusiasm for our sport during her time with ACTRA.
Our thoughts and condolences are with Brett and Josh during this tough period.
The funeral will be at noon on Tuesday 20 December 2011 at the Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd, Curtin.
The Church is located on the corner of Carrathers and allen Streets, with the entry off Gillies Street

The Head of the Molonglo will be going ahead. To encourage participation entries will be excepted until 5pm Thursday 15th. There is a cash prize for the fastest Men’s and Women’s singles so have a go.

Please insure you view the flyer and entry form for details. To enter you may contact your club entries coordinator.

The final start list will be published on Friday morning.

Download the “CRC Regatta No 3 Results”:file_download/189

Rowing ACT Media Release 8 December 2011

The sudden lowering of Lake Burley Griffin on 1 December was a shock to all lake users, when overnight it became harder to access the lake, with mud flats between the old shore line and the water and the increased risk of walking on broken glass and fishing hooks.

With little warning lake users from kayakers to swimmers and sailors have to traverse mudflats that were previously underwater to enjoy their sport following the NCA’s decision to lower the lake to fix the problems with Scrivener Dam. Lake users are discovering lots of hidden rubbish that pose a severe health risk from infection of any cuts.

Some sports are finding that their members can no longer access the lake.
“Two of our clubs have been unable to get their boats onto the water because their landing stages are not floating, and it is not possible to safely launch from these two venues. These clubs are located on Sullivan’s and Jerrabomberra creeks which are both muddy and dangerous for launching” according to President of Rowing ACT, David Bagnall.
“Most of our Burley Griffin-based clubs have boat launching platforms designed to operate at normal Lake levels. Lowering water levels has left these platforms stranded making launching of rowing boats difficult and, in many cases, unduly hazardous” according to Dr Bagnall.

“The challenges that water sports face are extensive for each sport and vary according to their location on the lake. They range from marked inconvenience for some clubs, to challenges to their capacity to continue to survive this crisis. There will be difficulty for some clubs in maintaining membership and financial viability, the likelihood of increased damage to equipment and increased exposure to risks associated with infections from cuts from submerged rubbish when walking into urban waterways to access the lake.”

Dr Bagnall who was very complimentary of the NCA replacing the rowing buoyed course that was swept away in the floods across summer, is frustrated that once again water sports are suffering. Dropping the water level has provided yet another challenge for lake users following many summers with lake closures due to water quality. The NCA is looking to assist some of the effected clubs by relocating a pontoon and minor earth works to improve access

Contact David Bagnall

The Regatta Reverse Traffic Flow procedure dated 16/11/2011 will be in place throughout the Canberra Rowing Club Regatta on the 10th December. The presence of the Reverse Flow Gate indicates reverse flow is in place.

View the Traffic Flow Procedures here

The Regatta Reverse Traffic Flow procedure dated 16/11/2011 will be in place throughout the Canberra Rowing Club Regatta. The presence of the Reverse Flow Gate indicates reverse flow is in place.

View the Traffic Flow Procedures here

Spectator Parking
Very limited parking is available above the regatta site. Street side parking along Lady Denman Drive is strictly prohibited. Alternative parking facilities are available within 8 mins walk of the spectator venue. Please utilise these sites. View the parking map for more detail.

Download the “Canberra Rowing Club Regatta #3 FINAL draw”:file_download/187
Download the “Canberra Rowing Club Regatta #3 FINAL program”:file_download/188

The National Capital Authority (NCA) today announced that major engineering works at Scrivener Dam have required them to lower lake levels. It is anticipated the work will be completed within 1 to 1.5 years.

Lake Burley Griffin was lowered 200mm on the evening of Friday 25 November 2011 in anticipation of increased water inflows over the following days. This enabled safe completion of inspection and testing works below the flap gates.
Today (1 December 2011), it will be lowered by another 300mm. This will reduce it to approximately the same level reached in February 2003 under drought conditions. Lowering the lake to this level will assist in managing risks associated with both the day-to-day operation of the dam and the completion of these engineering works.
The NCA expect that the lake will remain at this lower level throughout the work. There may be occasions where the lake needs to be lowered even further. Lake users will be given advance notice of expected changes in the lake level whenever possible.

The works involve progressively replacing 120 anchor bolts, which are part of the flap gate mechanism. The flap gates are opened in flood events to regulate the water level of Lake Burley Griffin.

NCA Chief Executive said the works were identified during an annual safety audit and surveillance inspection of Scrivener Dam.

“As part of our management of Scrivener Dam, the NCA commissions an annual, independent, safety and surveillance inspection report. The 2011 report, received three weeks ago, advised that some of the anchor bolts on the dam were showing signs of corrosion,” Mr Rake said

“The NCA immediately commissioned further inspections and tests to assess the extent of the corrosion.

The majority of the anchor bolts are encased in steel structures or concrete. These anchor bolts were not visible to previous safety audits and surveillance inspectors.

The non-destructive testing involved either cutting away small sections of non-structural concrete, or drilling small holes through the steel structures and using an endoscopic camera to inspect the previously hidden bolts.

“Yesterday we received advice that all the hinge bolt anchors will need to be replaced within one to two years. It is anticipated this work will take 50 to 80 weeks to complete, so work needs to commence shortly,” he said.

The anchor bolt system will be redesigned as part of these engineering works to ensure that future inspections can be conducted easily. We will also install cathodic protection to minimise future corrosion.