Archive for category: News

John Simson and Alex Leitch, former long term Captains of Canberra and Black Mountain Rowing Clubs, received recognition from the ACT Government when they were presented with Thanks Awards at the National Press Club in Barton on 25 October. The Rowing Association nominated John and Alex for that long term contribution to their clubs, and specifically for their role in maintaining the Yarramundi buoyed rowing course, and reconstruction of the temporary buoy lines following destruction of the course across summer. The Thanks Awards is an ACT volunteer recognition program for the local sport and recreations sector, and 17 nominees were judged to have made an outstanding contribution to their sport, and were presented with a framed certificate of recognition by Chris Bourke MLA.

As most rowers know, Alex and John have maintained the buoyed rowing course over the last 10 years on a voluntary basis. This difficult job involves replacing boys and cables that have broken off from the Albano framework within Lake Burley Griffin. This is unpleasant work involving slimy ropes and buoys and very cold water throughout much of the year. When the floods of summer 2010 – 2011 washed away our course, Alex Leitch and John Simpson removed many very large logs, retrieved remnants of the course and constructed lanes of boys on the edges of the course, so that the association could continue to host regattas and rowers could continue to train safely on the Yarramundi reach. This outstanding effort is appreciated by all rowers from world and Olympic champions at the AIS to recreational and novice scullers.

View a photo of Alex (second from the left) with James, David and Alan here

Status update for the Yarramundi Reach Rowing Course is as follows;
All works that can be executed in Tasmania are now complete. Minor maintenance and additional anchors have been completed over the last week and all parts are now being packed for Transportation to the mainland.

The booking for the Ferry from Tasmania to Melbourne still stands and all materials & tools will be loaded on and ferried across to Melbourne, leaving Tasmania on the 30/10/11. Ian and his team will also travel over at this time as well.
The materials will then be transported to Canberra by Ian, and on the way he will also pick up the remainder of the buoys from Northern Victoria.
Ian will arrive in Canberra on the 2/11/11 to commence the installation. Pending that there are no issues onsite, in discussions with Ian all works will be complete by the 10/11/11.
In discussions with David from Rowing ACT, concern had been raised that the installation works will impact on planned events on the Lake such as Dragon Boat Regattas and Rowing Events. Confirmation on these concerns was sought with Ian and it was stated that the majority of these works will be conducted from the shore, and when works are required to be conducted on the Lake it is easily programmed in order to ensure zero disruption to all Lake users and planned events.

The 28th ClubsACT Sportstar of the Year Awards were held on Friday 21st October 2011 in The Ballroom at the Woden Southern Cross Club, and Geoff Northam received an award for his boat race officiating. The awards are a glittering annual event to recognise the outstanding achievements of ACT Athletes, Coaches and Administrators, and Geoff has been adjudged the outstanding sports official across all sports in the ACT in 2011. He was presented with an attractive trophy in front of his family, and a packed ballroom of sports identities.
Geoff is a nationally accredited Boat Race Official who is among an elite group of officials who umpire at the National regatta. Apart from filling senior roles at virtually all local regattas over many years, he has been the principal organiser, recruiter, examiner and co-ordinator of our officials for the last ten years.
This role involves negotiating with both the sport’s administrative committee, but also with the many volunteer boat race officials, and co-ordinating their varied activities. Apart from very long competition days, the sport involves a lot of maintenance and planning. Geoff has also assumed the role of safety officer for the association up until very recently. Geoff has been responsible for our sport adopting a safety first attitude to the risks associated with cold water. Apart from drowning, cold water from May to October is the single greatest risk for participants in our sport.

The annual Disher Cup regatta is on tomorrow morning from 8.00am to 9.30am?

Racing will be occurring between Spinnaker Island and the Boathouse Restaurant in East Basin, and will be going against the usual traffic patterns. If possible, to please avoid training in the area during this time.

If any one does row through the area during the regatta they are asked to obey any directions from the safety officials.

View the Disher Cup Programme here .

Entries for Rowing ACT Regatta #1 to be hosted by the Capital Lakes Rowing Club on 5 November 2011, close 5pm Wednesday the 26th of October. Clubs that have not submited their entries by the deadline will not be able to participate.

The 2011 Colin Panton Memorial Marathon will be held on 30th October beginning at 9:30am.

Entries will be accepted for all boat classes.

Entries are to be submitted by clubs to no later than 8pm on the 23rd October. Entries will be charged at a rate of $6.60 per seat GST inclusive.

Download the entry form “here”:file_download/160.

Please take the time to read Instructions for Competitors found here .

Following the completion of the event Canberra Rowing Club will host a presentation BBQ which will include the Col Panton and Winter Time Trial presentations. The final start time for the presentations will be published with the Col Panton Start List.

on Monday in Hwa Chong, Korea Rowing ACT umpire Geoff Northam qualified for an international rowing umpires licence.

Along with Rowing Victoria umpire Bill Webster, who also achieved his licence, Geoff has been a part of the Australian Sports Commission’s National Officiating Scholarship Program since January 2011. The aim of the program is to develop the next generation of Australian rowing umpires to work on the world stage. It has enabled Geoff and Bill to travel overseas to attend the international federation’s (FISA) international umpiring education course, gain experience working with regatta juries at major events, and finally sit their international exams over the past two days in Korea.

The NOSP program has also equipped them to be presenters, assessors and mentors for developing new local, national and international umpires over the coming years. To be selected for the NOSP scholarship was itself a significant achievement, as only four Rowing Australia umpires have ever had this honour.

Congratulations to Geoff on his achievement.

Jonathon Boyd (from Brown Consulting) who the NCA have contracted to manage the course replacement indicates that:

Ian Dickinson has completed all that can be done whilst he is in Tasmania, aside from some minor maintenance on equipment and additional anchors to be made.
He has booked a crossing on the boat to Melbourne, which was the first available suitable to transport the goods, on the 30/10/11 and will also pick up the buoys on his way up to Canberra.
He will arrive on the 2/11/11 to commence the works. Works will progress quickly and pending no problems onsite, works will be complete by the 10/11/11.
Ian has informed me that the majority of these works will be conducted on the shore, and when work on the lake is required it can be easily planned in order to ensure zero disruption to the lake users, or impact on any planned events.

Rowing ACT is seeking official expressions of interest form individuals to fill assistant selector roles. Assistant selectors will work closely with the Chair of Selectors to appoint a team which will most effectively represent the Australian Capital Territory at the 2012 Interstate Regatta in Perth.

Please email Rowing ACT with any inquires or expressions of interest.

Rowing ACT is seeking Nominations from Rowers, Coxswains and Coaches for the 2012 ACT Kings Cup Team to compete at the Interstate regatta on the 11th March following the National Rowing Championships in Perth.

Nominations are due on the 30th of November 2011. It must be noted selection activities commence before the nomination closing date.

Any individual considering nomination must familiarise themselves with the Rowing ACT Selection Policy along with the 2012 Kings Cup Team Event Requirements.

View or download the Rowing ACT Selection Policy here .

View the 2012 Kings Cup Team Event Requirements here .

Download the athlete and coxswain nomination form “here”:file_download/158.

Download the coach nomination form “here”:file_download/157.