Archive for category: News

The NRCE will be running a Performance (Level 3) Coach course between October 6 and 11 in Canberra. This will be a live-in course at the AIS. Aspiring performance coaches will need to apply to Rowing Australia where applications will be assessed and successful applicants invited to be part of the course. Applications close June 30, 2011.

For more information click here.

Download the “application form “:file_download/90.

Canberra Rowing Club have returned to Canberra after winning more races than any other club at the Rowing Australia Masters Championships at Lake Barrington in Tasmania. This dominant performance against the best Victorian, NSW and Queensland clubs was centred around scullers Emy Ayliffe, Susan Linacre and John Simson who won their respective age group single sculls, and also anchored many winning doubles, and quads, as well as several sweep oared events. Canberra Rowing Club has always been a major force within Australian Masters rowing but this was the first time it topped the medal table at this annual regatta. Black Mountain Rowing Club and ANU also had crews that won, reflecting well on the overall health of ACT Masters rowing.

The Australian Olympic Committee/ACT Olympic Council invites you to the London 2012 Team Appeal – Fundraising Lunch.

When: 12 noon on the 27th July 2011, exactly one year from the 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony.

Where: The Boathouse by the Lake.

View the official Invitation here.

Download the “Ticket Order Form”:file_download/86.

The Rowing ACT Committee have endorsed the recommendations presented by the 2011 Regatta Sub-committee.

Please view the Regatta Sub-committee minutes here.

The following is a list of final dates and hosts for the Rowing ACT 2011-2012 season.

October 2011
Saturday 22nd – Disher Cup
Sunday 30th – Col Panton

November 2011
Saturday 5th – RACT Regatta No. 1 (CLRC)
Saturday 19th – RACT Regatta No. 2 (DRC)
Saturday 26th – Tuggeranong Festival Cup (LTRC)

December 2011
Saturday 10th – RACT Regatta No. 3 (CRC)
Saturday 17th – Head of the Molonglo (Small boats)
Sunday 18th – Head of the Molonglo (Big boats)

February 2012
Saturday 4th – RACT Regatta No. 4 (CGGS)
Saturday 18th – RACT Regatta No. 5 (BMRC)

March 2012
Saturday 3rd – ISRA Regatta pending ISRA decision
Sunday 4th – ISRA Regatta pending ISRA decision
Saturday 17th – ACT Championships Day 1 (Radford)
Sunday 18th – ACT Championships Day 2 (CGS)
Saturday 31st – Identified as a potential social sprint regatta.


Sydney Rowing Club is advertising three new and exciting roles for this coming season. For more information please view the flyers detailing each role.

Men’s Head Coach .

Women’s Head Coach. .

Sports Manager Rowing..

*Official Results* of Winter Time Trial No 1 have been released. Saturday small boats and Sunday big boats results pages are available for viewing or download from the links below.

Saturday 21st May Official Results.
Sunday 22nd May Official Results.

A reminder to all coaches that we should be aware of other crews on the lake and follow these rules when coaching from a tinnie:

· Tinnie drivers to show reasonable courtesy to users of unpowered craft (eg. rowers and canoeists)

· Cut wash when passing rower(s) travelling in the opposite direction

· When a moving tinnie is being approached from behind by a faster rowing boat, cut wash to allow the faster rowing boat to pass

· Minimise tinnie wash in East Basin

· Minimise tinnie wash on Yarramundi Reach when travelling South towards the start line

· A tinnie may keep pace with crews being coached/timed travelling North on Yarramundi Reach towards the finish line. Drivers to make reasonable effort to minimise the impact of wash on other rowers on the course.

The second of Rowing ACT’s Winter Time Trials will be held on the 19th and 20th June 2011. The format of the event is singles and pairs on the Saturday, doubles, quads, fours and eights on Sunday. Rowing ACT is willing to accept double entries on Saturday, however crews must be early novice. Clubs need to be aware these crews will NOT be competing in any official category and will not be awarded prize or point score rewards.

The course is 4km long and runs from near the Dam, around a turning boat near the 1800m start, down Yarramundi Reach, around Kurrajong Point and up Tarcoola Reach finishing at the first of the white timber piles, opposite the AIS in Lotus Bay.

The series winner for each category of boat is determined by a point score based on handicap times. Crews/scullers receive one point for each race they complete, plus one point for each opponent in that race that they beat on handicap time. Crews can accumulate series points provided they do not change more than 25% of their crew from one time trial to the next.

Entries should be via your club and sent by email to Entries close at midnight on the Sunday preceding the time trial (June 12). Larger clubs may collate entries into the template spread sheet below.

Download the “spread sheet template”:file_download/77.

Note. Clubs entering 3 to 8 entries are required to nominate 1 Safety Marshal to validate their entries. Any club entering 9 or more crews on Saturday or 7 or more on Sunday will be required to nominate 2 Safety Marshals. These individuals must not be a BRO already committed to assisting with start or finish duties. Safety Marshals will be required to report to the BROs with a tinnie and will be assisting in safety management during this event.
Entries will not be accepted without this nomination.

Photographer Peter Williams has taken some great photos of Winter Time Trial No. 1.
View them on his website here.

Saturday 21st May – Sunday 22nd May Provisional Time Trial Results are now available

View the Saturday Results.
View the Sunday Results.