Archive for category: News

The Royal Flying Dcotors marathon is on again on the 8 October. Many Canberra rowers have participated previously. Read on if you are interested.
Marathon Flyer

Canberra Rowing Club have sustained damage to several of their boats, losing fins and having holes punched in some of their best boats.

There are still submerged logs slowly detaching and resurfacing after some time under the water. Canberra RC coaches and members have removed them each time and now have removed 5 logs from the lake (1 large enough that it spread all across lanes 5 & 6 … needed a few helpers to lift and shift).

Please keep an eye out and if you see anything please either try pick it up, shift to the closest bank or notify the NCA’s lake contractor Tony Le Mesurier of Ecoway (0416584267).

Although CRC observed logs on the course, there is also a very large log East of Kings Ave Bridge that I have tried to move, and the rope broke. I will report it to Tony on Monday

ACT Men’s Eight ACT Men’s Quad ACT Women’s Quad
Ted Hall
Damien Pentony
Martin Little
Steve Sminschim
Geoff Brown
Randal Lawrence
John Daley
Peter Laidlaw

Rebecca McCallum

Tony Wilkes
Michael Clifford
Kym Fisher
Andy Horsburgh



Emmy Ayliffe
Susan Donoghoe
Evelyn Sommer
Deb Cook




The latest in ACT Rowing News


The first of Rowing ACT’s Winter Time Trials will be held on the weekend of 21 and 22 May 2011.
The format of the event is small boats (singles and pairs) on the Saturday and big boats on Sundays.
The course is 4km long and runs from near the Dam, around a turning boat near the 1800m start, down Yarramundi Reach, around Kurrajong Point and up Tarcoola Reach finishing at the first of the white timber piles, opposite the AIS in Lotus Bay.
Entries should be via your club, and sent electronically. Entries close at midnight on the Sunday preceding the time trial (15 May).
Larger clubs can collate entries in a spread sheet and sent to

Download the “spread sheet template”:file_download/77.

Rowing ACT’s Administrative/Development Officer James Hammond is to be located at Sports House, 100 Maitland Street Hacket. The association is grateful for assistance from Gail of ACTSport in finding an appropriate desk for James. James shares an office with ACT Croquet on the left hand side of the corridor about a third of the way along. We thank ACT Croquet for renting this space to us.
Most of you will be aware that ACTRA has had an office at Sports House for many years with all of our various Exec Officers located there up until very recently. It has good facilities including meeting rooms, and excellent opportunities to network with other sports. The major disadvantage of Sports House is its location which is remote from the rowing community and the lake.
The Association will continue to explore locating James closer to “Rowing Central”, but Sports House is a good interim base.
James can be contacted at
or on his mobile 0421404510.
We will arrange an alternative phone for James, and he will be on the job from next Wednesday.

James Hammond this morning accepted Rowing ACT’s offer of part-time employment as an Administrator and Development Officer for rowing in the ACT.
James has been coaching in the ACT at Canberra Girls Grammar, and is completing a degree in Sports Science at UC. He previously coached the Senior boys at Redlands, and was a rower at Drummoyne Rowing Club and at Shore School. James experience in these clubs and schools, and his University studies will be invaluable for the many local rowers, and contribute to the continued growth of our sport. We warmly welcome him on board.
James will commence duties with RACT on Wednesday 20th April.
Details of how to contact James will be available closer to his commencement.

David Bagnall (President)

The Winter Time Trial
dates have now been published on the Club’s calendar.

Download the “Aggregate Points Score for the 2010-12”:file_download/61

The major dragon boat regatta commences later in the week and their brand new start platform is in place off the National Library.
I understand that the platform will be removed after the regatta is over.
The starting platform is 80 metres wide so that all crews travelling through Central Basin will see it.
I dont think it has lights on it, and it provides a major hazard for crews training in darkness, and for coxless crews that train without looking around much.
So have a look and admire the starting platform.
We will have it available for major rowing regattas on Yarramundi Reach