Archive for category: News

The ACT Championships are being held on 13-14 March – the weekend after Canberra
Day. Entries close with ACTRA on 03 March, earlier with your club. All entries
must be made through an affiliated club. The event list is available here.

The results of the ISRA regatta are available here: Day 1;

Dear rowing supporters
I would like to thank our Boat Race Officials for running a superb ISRA regatta
over the weekend. This regatta is the biggest in the ACT and despite its bad
press last year, continues to attract many Inter-state schools despite competing
regattas in Sydney and elsewhere.
We continue to attract many excellent School rowing programs to compete. Gold
medals reflected good wins against tough competition, and I congratulate all
winning crews. All participants were involved in close racing, and would have
enjoyed the perfect conditions for much of the regatta.
Our Boat Race Officials did Rowing ACT proud. Despite having intervals of 4
minutes between races and strong cross winds, they still managed to get most of
the regatta away on time, notwithstanding the inability of Year 8 rowers to
maneuver their boats at the start.
Our volunteers keep our sport afloat.
This was a great co-operative effort, reflecting the best of the rowing community
in the ACT.
Thanks also to regatta convener Dafydd  Gwynn-Jones, ACTRA Admin Officer
Anthony Pardy, and the army of parents who supported as traffic wardens, food
sellers, commentators and other roles from all of the participating schools

David Bagnall
President ACT Rowing

The ACT Championships are being held on 13-14 March – the weekend after Canberra
Day. Entries close with ACTRA on 03 March, earlier with your club. All entries
must be made through an affiliated club. The event list is available here.

Rowing Australia is seeking a National Education Coordinator to facilitate and
develop its education and development programs for coaches, officials and
athletes as well as developing and implementing new initiatives for Rowing
Australia’s Community Development Program. The preferred applicant will
possess relevant tertiary qualifications in education and/or sports
coaching/management and demonstrate high level communication, time management and
leadership skills. Applications close 12 March 2010. Details on Rowing Australia

The results of today’s events can be found here.
The draw for tomorrow is here.
Results during racing tomorrow will be posted here.

The crews to compete at the upcoming Australian National Championships Regatta
were announced today. They are…

Queen’s Cup 8 Youth Women’s 8
Michaela Ledger Imogen Cowan
Didi Egerton-Warburton Jessica Williams
Kerry Knowler Amanda Clifford
Brydie Foran Lizzie Kaye
Rhiannon Hughes Colette Lip
Christabelle Northam Emily Caudle
Amy Fowler Nicola Metcalf
Sarah Cook Katelyn Mundy
Shannon Narracott (cox) Nicole Sims (cox)
Youth Men’s 8 Men’s Single Scull
Scott Sheridan David Wright
Daniel DelRio

Women’s Single Scull

Thomas Ethell

Sarah Cook

Matthew McCormack
Riley Owen
Nick Barnier
Angus Moore
Mathew Barnier
Nicholas Purnell (cox)

Notes on the running of the ISRA Regatta this weekend are available here
[680Kb PDF]. It is information for all coaches, competitors, organisers and

During the regatta, results will be posted here from time to
time. The draw for events on Sunday will be posted here.

Yarramundi Reach is closed to other lake users from 08:00 on
each day.

The final results for today’s regatta can be found here. The regatta was run in still conditions (max 6kph shifting
breeze) with the temperature around 18�C and light to medium
rain at times. Good racing conditions, but a bit tough on BROs and spectators.
Did you use the results service during the regatta? A progressive results sheet
was posted to the link below during the regatta as a trial of improvements. Other
improvements are mentioned in the February ACTRA Newsletter linked below.