Archive for category: News

The results of the
CGS Regatta will appear here during and after the regatta on Saturday, 13 February.

The draw for the first day of the ISRA Regatta is available here.

The first edition of the all new ACTRA Newsletter has been published and is
available here [3.5Mb PDF].

final draw for this weekend’s regatta is here. The programme is available here.

Entries for the ACTRA Regatta (#6) on 27 February, will close with ACTRA next
week and must be submitted through your club before 17 February.

The ISRA Regatta will be held on Yarramundi Reach on both Saturday and Sunday,
20-21 February. Only competitors should be on Yarramundi Reach during the
regatta. Special arrangements for on-water traffic and boat race officials for
this regatta will be published on this site shortly.

The results of todays regatta can be found here. The weather was very good for summer with the temperature
varying from 16� to 26�C and the wind
blowing from 13 to 26 kph from the east.

This swimming event is being held on Yarramundi Reach on 06 Feb and this area of
the lake is closed to all others from 09:30 to 13:30.

An amended draw has been published here. This draw removes an unintended delay between races and so you
should check the new start times carefully.

The CGS Regatta is scheduled for 13 February with entries closing with ACTRA on
03 February. All entries must be through a club and entries will close with clubs
before 03 February.