Championships News – Chris’s Day 5 HIGHLIGHTS


Championships News – Chris’s Day 5 HIGHLIGHTS

Day 5 – Friday , 9th March

Cross winds welcomed rowers to the first days of Finals berths and the Canberra crews did not disappoint, with many crews from the ACT coming home with the medal-ware!

Under 23 Men’s Pair (U23M2-) – FINAL

The first of the medals brought home from this year’s National Championships was ANGUS MOORE of CANBERRA RC, paired with Melbourne University’s, Sam Hookway, they captured good conditions with some clean rowing and took a commanding advantage early. Holding the race pillar to post the crew charged home to a time of 6.50, the result – GOLD for the Canberra crew

Under 19 Men’s Single Scull – FINAL

An exciting race to the line for RADFORD’s LUKE LETCHER who shot out like a rocket early in his race to be up by 5 seconds come the first 500m marker. With 500m to go though the young sculler found himself under significant pressure by the 2011 Title holder to even lose the lead at 1 stage, but probably hearing the cry-out for a final push by coach, DAVID BAGNALL, Luke got ahead on the surge by a half length to take out GOLD for the Radford sculler

Under 23 Men’s Coxless Quad Scull (U23M4x) – FINAL

A flurry of activity saw this race almost a non-event. ANU’s Riley Owen in the original line-up had a clash of events with the Final of the Open Men’s Double Scull within 15 minutes of the start-time, and leaving coach GORDON MARCKS to arrange a sudden substitute. With quick talking and a stroke of luck, WA’s Grant Addendorf filled in for the absent ANU sculler. The outcome for the Double was a competitive Fourth place but some 5 lengths shy of a medal.

A hot contest for the big crew from the ACT! CANBERRA RC’s NICK BARNIER took the stroke with ANGUS MOORE behind him to lead the crew. In to the half way mark and our heroes found themselves in an unusual 3rd place, with the Sydney University composite crew a length clear in First place. With a call from Gordo on the bank, young Nick lead the charge and was supported by the crew to lift and take a strangle-hold on second spot, and grow the margin throughout the final 500m. The result – SILVER to the Canberra crew

By: Chris Polyichanin

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