
John Simson and Alex Leitch receive ACT Sport and Recreation Thanks Awards

John Simson and Alex Leitch, former long term Captains of Canberra and Black Mountain Rowing Clubs, received recognition from the ACT Government when they were presented with Thanks Awards at the National Press Club in Barton on 25 October. The Rowing Association nominated John and Alex for that long term contribution to their clubs, and specifically for their role in maintaining the Yarramundi buoyed rowing course, and reconstruction of the temporary buoy lines following destruction of the course across summer. The Thanks Awards is an ACT volunteer recognition program for the local sport and recreations sector, and 17 nominees were judged to have made an outstanding contribution to their sport, and were presented with a framed certificate of recognition by Chris Bourke MLA.

As most rowers know, Alex and John have maintained the buoyed rowing course over the last 10 years on a voluntary basis. This difficult job involves replacing boys and cables that have broken off from the Albano framework within Lake Burley Griffin. This is unpleasant work involving slimy ropes and buoys and very cold water throughout much of the year. When the floods of summer 2010 – 2011 washed away our course, Alex Leitch and John Simpson removed many very large logs, retrieved remnants of the course and constructed lanes of boys on the edges of the course, so that the association could continue to host regattas and rowers could continue to train safely on the Yarramundi reach. This outstanding effort is appreciated by all rowers from world and Olympic champions at the AIS to recreational and novice scullers.

View a photo of Alex (second from the left) with James, David and Alan here

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