Radford Rowing Coaches Wanted


Radford Rowing Coaches Wanted


Through the cocurricular program, Radford College aims to achieve a positive learning experience in an environment that will encourage students to:

• Participate in a broad range of activities;
• Set personal goals and reach them;
• Accept responsibility for their own progress;
• Prepare themselves for life after school;
• Develop self esteem and confidence;
• Develop self discipline within their chosen activities;
• Accept responsibility for their own actions;
• Participate with confidence in a wide range of activities within a group situation.

Coaches required in: Rowing

A large number of sporting teams are maintained with all staff assisting in the coaching and/or managing of teams. Parents assist the College in its sporting program and the College engages outside coaches.

Remuneration is based on experience and time commitment for that sport.


As a sporting coach at Radford College you are expected to:

• Coach to the best of your ability;
• Work closely with the Head of Sport, the Director of the sport and the team manager;
• Liaise with Director and managers with respect to individual players problems and needs;
• Abide by the College rules and policies and enforce these rules upon the players;
• Abide by the rules of the relevant sporting organisation;
• Behave and conduct your training sessions and competition matches in a professional and appropriate manner;
• Attend all games and training sessions for your team;
• Be willing to coach in an appropriate College training time. Most trainings are either morning 7.00am to 8.30am or afternoon 3.30pm to 6.30pm;
• Fill out your own weekly time sheets to be handed into the Head of Sport;
• Treat all College sporting equipment given to you with care and respect and be accountable for it;
• Be willing to be responsible for the students within your care;
• Arrange for an end of season team report to be provided to the Head of Sport.

Further details about this position can be obtained by contacting Mr Peter Haynes on 6162 6266 or email peter.haynes@radford.act.edu.au.

Applications close on Friday 31 August 2012 and should be addressed to:

Mr Peter Haynes
Head of Sport Radford College
College Street
or email to: peter.haynes@radford.act.edu.au

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