
Attention all school leavers – we need to know what you think.

We would like to invite current and former school rowers/coxswains and school leavers aged 16-25 to participate in a Rowing ACT survey. The survey consists of 15 questions and should take around 5 minutes to complete.

Please click on the link to complete the survey and share this link with school students and school leavers who no longer row/cox.

By completing the survey you have the opportunity to win one of three $50 gift vouchers.

Background information for the survey

As revealed in Rowing ACT membership data, as well as the Australia-wide Gemba Rowing Participation Opportunities Report 2014, participation in rowing declines significantly when rowers/coxswains leave school. Rowing ACT is conducting this survey to gain further insight into the attitudes of current and former rowers/coxswains aged 16-25 years old, which will help us to address any common barriers to participating in rowing/coxing after school.

The survey poses to questions to understand why school rowers/coxswains and school leavers enjoy being part of Rowing ACT, why they choose to continue or stop being involved, and what they want to get out of being part of Rowing ACT. The results compiled at the end of this survey will help Rowing ACT understand the attitudes and aspirations of rowers/coxswains aged 16-25 years old. This information can then be used to improve the retention rate of rowers/coxswains transitioning from school rowing programs into club rowing programs as well as ongoing engagement with Rowing ACT (eg as coaches and volunteers).

Terms and conditions

  1. Completing this survey is entirely voluntary.
  2. You can choose to remain anonymous. We will aggregate the results and not seek to identify you. However, if you want to enter the draw to win one of three $50 gift vouchers you will need to provide your name and contact details at the end of the survey, which we will only use to contact you if you win.
  3. All information collected will be handled securely and in accordance with Rowing ACT’s privacy policy
  4. The purpose of this survey is to help Rowing ACT understand why school rowers/coxswains and school leavers enjoy being part of Rowing ACT, why they choose to continue or stop being involved, and what they want to get out of being part of Rowing ACT.
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