The rowing season is upon us and Lake Burley Griffin is about to get busier. To ensure safety for all please consider the below reminder.

  1. Ensure that the Watercraft Safety on Lake Burley Griffin Traffic Flow Guide is followed, including all boats being lit in the dark with white light visible from 360o. Remember that overtaking vessels have a legal obligation to keep clear and give way to boats on your starboard (bow) side.
  2. The Rowing Australia On Water Safety Guidelines are useful resources outlining safe use of waterways for rowers.
  3. Keep safe – and shout loudly if a rower is on collision course in your direction, they maybe unaware that you have stopped or are even there!
  4. Follow the Use of Tinnies Protocol (RACT BY LAW 35.). See below:

All tinnie drivers need to be aware of other unpowered craft (e.g. rowers and canoeists) and must show them reasonable courtesy. A tinnie driver must never deliberately endanger or interfere with rowers. For the comfort and safety of rowers, tinnie drivers are asked to follow the guidelines below.

i. Cut wash when passing unpowered craft travelling in the opposite direction. This is to be done in advance of passing unpowered craft to ensure wash created does not roll onto the unpowered craft;

ii. When a moving tinnie is being approached from behind by a faster unpowered craft, cut wash to allow the faster unpowered craft to pass;

iii. Where possible minimise tinnie wash in East and Central Basin as the hard walls allow wash to impact crews for some time;

iv. Minimise tinnie wash on Yarramundi Reach when travelling South towards the start line;

v. While keeping pace with crews being coached/timed travelling North on Yarramundi Reach towards the finish line, drivers are asked to make a reasonable effort to minimise the impact of wash on unpowered craft using the course.

vi. When safe to do so, it is recommended that tinnie drivers proceeding from finish to start on the rowing course do so close to the centre of the course. This allows drivers to cut power and minimise wash accurately.

vii. Precautions need to be taken to avoid passing unpowered craft within close proximity.

Member Clubs are also asked to:

i. ensure their tinnie operators are suitably licensed, trained and skilled to operate tinnies; and

ii. refrain from the use of loudhailers before 8 am close to residential areas including the Governor General’s residence.

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