Urgent – Winter Time Trial 5 POSTPONED


Urgent – Winter Time Trial 5 POSTPONED

Due to the current lake closure the Rowing ACT Winter Time Trial scheduled for this weekend has been postponed to next weekend, 24th and 25th September. To accommodate those already committed to the Level 2 coaching course, racing will commence at 8:00am rather than the usual 9:30am.

Please note Lake Burley Griffin remains closed until further notice. It is anticipated the NCA will receive the first water quality results tomorrow afternoon. We will monitor the situation and post information as we receive it. Included below, for your information, is the Lake closure notification issued by the NCA.

We apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause.

Rowing ACT

Lake Burley Griffin will remain closed to all sporting and recreational uses until further notice, following a factory fire in Mitchell overnight.

The NCA was advised by the Environment Protection Authority to close Lake Burley Griffin as a precautionary measure. Contaminated materials from the factory may have entered Sullivans Creek, which flows into Lake Burley Griffin.

The NCA anticipates receiving the first water quality results tomorrow afternoon.

Water features, such as the Capital Cook Memorial Jet, and irrigation systems that rely on water from Lake Burley Griffin have been stopped.

Ferry services will continue operating where patrons are protected from incidental exposure to lake water.

Any possible contamination from the Mitchell factory fire into Sullivans Creek is unknown at this stage.

The NCA will continue to closely monitor water quality.

Lake User groups have been notified and warning signs posted.

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