Archive for category: News

Radford College will be conducting grading trials on the Yarramundi course this Sunday 24 January, and again on Wednesday 27 January.

The trials will be run in lane 7 and scullers will carry bow numbers to indicate that they are racing.

The trials will be held from 7:00am till approximately 8:30am on both days. Marshalls and time keepers will be present to supervise crews and start them in the correct order.

Radford respectfully asks for the help of clubs in minimising interference during these times.

The RACT state selection policy for the Interstate Regatta at the 2016 Australian Masters Rowing Championships (Lake Kawana, June 2016) has been announced .

All Rowers, Coxswains and Coaches wishing to nominate for the 2016 ACT Masters Rowing Team must follow the RACT 2016 Masters Selection Policy HERE.

Nominations for the Team can be made HERE.

St Joseph’s College is here for a training camp. Their 1st and 2nd VIII’s will be taking on two local crews tomorrow morning the 13th of December. There will be two races down the 1,800m rowing course; one at 9am and another at 10am.

Other crews are kindly asked to be respectful of this racing and steer clear of the rowing course at these times.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

ACTAS will be holding its ‘National Omnium’ testing tomorrow morning, 12th December 2015.

Participating athletes will be racing over the rowing course at 5 minute intervals between 7:00am and 8:15am.

On-water marshals will be asking other rowers to stay clear of the rowing course during this time.

ACTAS would like to extend apologies in advance for any inconveniences caused by this event.

John Gasson and I presented a proposal to the Lake Users Group forum of the National Capital Authority on Wednesday, 2 December 2015.

My presentation provided a background history of how water sport has always been part of Lake Burley Griffin, and why there is a need for additional rowing boat storage around the lake.
John Gasson outlined details of the proposed facility on Black Mountain Peninsula.

David Bagnall

This Saturday morning Rowing ACT will be holding the ACT Schools Regatta on the Rowing Course. Crews will be racing from 8:00am – 11:15pm.

The Rowing Course will be closed to club and school crews not competing in this regatta from 7:15am – 12:00pm.

Reverse traffic flow will be in place from 7:15am.

Crews training before 7:15am on the Rowing Course should also be aware that the 1,000m start platform will be in place from the evening prior.


This Sunday Canberra Rowing Club will be hosting its annual Corporate Regatta on the Yarramundi Reach Rowing Course. The regatta will begin at 9:00am and will conclude by 11:30am.

The Club asks that members of the rowing community be wary and considerate of competitors if choosing to train on the Rowing Course.

ACTAS will be conducting the fourth of its monthly NTC Time Trials this Friday and Saturday mornings. Details below


Friday Time Trial – Small Boats:

Start – 7:00am

Course – Participating athletes will be trailing from the white poles (finish of the Winter TT Course) to Kingston Harbor between 7:00am and 7:45am.

Saturday Time Trial – ACT Crews in Big Boats:

Start – 7:00am

Course – Participating athletes will be trailing from the white poles (finish of the Winter TT Course) to Kingston Harbor between 7:00am and 7:45am.

Please read below recent message from the Australian Federal Water Police to all Lake Users.

‘The AFP wishes to advise all clubs and members that with the warmer weather and increased boating activity, SRG Maritime members have commenced random checks of all powered vessels utilising Lake Burley Griffin and other A.C.T waterways – ‘Safe Summer’.

Dependent upon your user status these checks will involve:

Support and Recreational boats

 Vessel operator to produce a current state recreational boat license;

  • Proof of current state registration and NCA permit for that vessel; and
  • Full operational and safety inspections, including producing all ‘on-board’ safety equipment as specified within state marine safety regulations, and the NCA permit online application form.

Commercial Vessels

 Vessel Master to produce a current commercial vessel operators certificate of an appropriate AMSA classification (eg: Coxswain or Master5);

  • Proof of current AMSA Survey and Operating Certificates;
  • Proof of current NCA permit; and
  • Full operational and safety inspections, including all safety equipment and systems as specified within the Survey & Operating certificates for a vessel of that classification.

Unless you have specific exemptions for these operating requirements, all breaches will be recorded, with any serious/multiple breaches reported to the NCA, AMSA or other relevant authorities for follow up action.’

For information on the requirements for support and recreational boats see

Following the ACT Schools Regatta on the 28th of November Rowing ACT will be hosting an Interactive Coxswain Workshop.

Conducted by Elite Coxswain and Coach – Renae Domaschenz

When: 12:30-2:00pm Saturday 28th November
Where: CGGS Boat Shed, Yarralumla Bay
Cost: $5.00 cash per head – taken at the door (light lunch provided)

Renae Domaschenz has a long successful career of Club and National elite coxing here and overseas. In this workshop Renae will share with you some of her career highlights. She will also guide you through the value of a cox and outline the necessary skills required for you to gain maximum performance from both yourself and the crew. Bring your voices and ask for tips!

Topics to be discussed include:
• How to be a good cox
• I’m a new coxswain – help!
• Working with your coach
• Coxswains equipment
• Steering – moving a boat
• Leading your team – Motivation
• The Talk – magic words!
• Tips for practice
• Tips for racing
• Practical session and feedback – hear some examples and have a go!

Email enquiries and RSVP to