Archive for category: News

ANU Boat Club is seeking expressions of interest from experienced coaches who would like to get involved in taking on some university games crews. You should hold a minimum Level 1 coaching accreditation and be able to commit through to the end of September.

If you would like further information about this opportunity contact Anthony Pardy at

Three ACT Scullers were today announced as members of Australian teams that will compete in Europe in July and August.

Tom Perry of Canberra Rowing Club is a member of the Men’s Lightweight quad who will compete at the World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette, France. The crew will train in Melbourne prior to departure.

Cara Grzeskowiak of Capital Lakes Rowing Club is a member of the Women’s Quad Scull that has been selected to compete at the World Under 23 Championships to be held in July at Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Cara will be training at Mosman in Sydney prior to departure.

Luke Letcher of Black Mountain Rowing Club is a member of the Men’s Double Scull who will compete at the World Under 23 Championships in Plovdiv, and like Cara, Luke will train in Mosman before departure.

These results are reward for hard training across recent months and great coaching from ACTAS coach Andrew Randall, who has been appointed coach of the senior A Women’s eight to compete at the World Cup regattas.

Good luck to all these scullers and their coach in Europe.

BMRC is hosting an event to thank our Boat Race Officials for what that they do for our community. The ACT Rowing 2014-15 season was one of the biggest on record and without the tireless efforts of our BROs it would not have been possible.


Rowers, parents, partners, children – all are welcome!

Date and Time: Sat 2 May 2015 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Venue: Black Mountain Rowing Club

Cost: $10 pp (under 18 y.o. free) to include nibbles and your first drink. BROs attend for free.


There has been an increase in boat incidents/accidents on the lake over the last few weeks.  Please ensure that the Watercraft Safety on Lake Burley Griffin Traffic Flow Guide is followed, including all boats being lit in the dark with white light visible from 360o. Remember that overtaking vessels have a legal obligation to keep clear and give way to boats on your starboard (bow) side.

The Rowing Australia On Water Safety Guidelines are useful resources outlining safe use of waterways for rowers.

If there is an incident (collision, near miss and winter capsize – between 1 June and 30 September) a Rowing ACT Incident Report Form should be completed and submitted ASAP to with a copy being kept in the club.

Keep safe – and shout loudly if a rower is on collision course in your direction, they maybe unaware that you have stopped or are even there!

Congratulations to Canberra Rowing Club for taking out the Men’s, Women’s and overall Premiership Point Score for the 2014-15 ACT season.

Congratulations must also go to:

  • Capital Lakes Rowing Club for their strong performance in the Women’s Point Score (SECOND in that category);
  • Marist College Rowing Club for their strong performance in the Men’s Point Score (SECOND in that category); and
  • Radford College for their strong performances in both point score categories (THIRD and THIRD in these categories).

Click here for Point Score breakdown.

Cara Grzeskowiak of Capital Lakes Rowing Club had great racing results at the Sydney International Rowing Regatta held at Penrith over the last week with multiple wins in the Open Women’s Quad Scull, the under 23 Women’s Quad Scull, and the under 23 Women’s Double Scull Championships. In these crews Cara teamed up with best of Australia’s women’s rowers from across the country.
Perhaps the most intrigueing of Cara’s results were her single sculls races where she was raging favourite for the under 23 Single Scull Championship, and was surprised by Toowong lightweight Amy James. Cara led most of the race, as has usually happened and then was challenged by the Queenslander over the closing stages of the race. Cara’s surprising loss was a great prelude to the Inter-State Women’s Single Sculls event where Amy and Cara represented their states along with Olympians Kim Crow (Victoria) and Kerry Hore (Tasmania). Crow and Hore had a great battle for first with Crow winning by about a length, but a much closer battle for third was happening throughout the race, with less than a second between Queensland and the ACT, this time with Amy James leading for most of the race, and continually responding to Cara’s challenges. In the last 100m of the race Cara pushed hard and just caught Amy to win by 0.09 of a second. This third place behind the Olympic legends was a great result and put the ACT on the Inter-State podium for the first time since 2006.

Other great performances over the week long regatta included Luke Letcher of Black Mountain winning the Under 23 Single, Double and Quad Sculls Championships, Tom Perry of Canberra won Lightweight Double and Quad Sculls, and came second in the Lightweight Single Sculls Championships, ANU crew of Tom Collins and Caleb Antill won the under 21 Double Sculls Championship and para rowers Kathryn Ross of ANU with wins in the TA Women’s Single and Mixed Double Championships, and Cam Crombie of Canberra in the LTA Single, Mixed Double and Mixed Coxed Fours Championships.

Thanks to all those Clubs and Individual Members who provided comment on the draft By-laws circulated in January.  The Board was pleased, and grateful, for the number and quality of contributions made.  The Interim By-laws now replace the former By-laws, the Status Rules, the Rules of Racing, Points Policy and the Tinnie Protocols.

An annotated version of the Interim By-laws has also been posted which contains explanatory notes.  The notes relate only to substantive changes made.  A host of formatting, consistency and other minor errors were picked up Members and the Board and these have been simply incorporated.

The Interim By-laws are now in force and provide a robust framework for transparent and effective governance.  However, they will remain open for comment until 24 April.  This will provide members with the opportunity to seek clarification or to provide additional comment.  It is expected the Board will issue final By-laws in May but will, of course, update them as required.

Comments submitted will forward directly to Directors.

The AFP advise that central basin will be closed between 12:30pm and 1:30pm  – 13th March (tomorrow) and between 12:00pm and 10:00pm – 14th March (this Saturday). This is due to preparation for and hosting of ‘Skyfire 2015’.

 Early on the Saturday afternoon the AFP warns that barges of fireworks will be transported from Yarralumla Bay through to Central Basin. Please be aware that these barges have limited maneuverability and should be kept well clear of.

Following on from a very successful NSW Rowing Championships many ACT based athletes have been asked to attend National selection trials for the Senior A Australian team at Penrith from 2nd to 7th March. Local club products to be invited to these trials include lightweight sculler Tom Perry of Canberra Rowing Club and Cara Grzeskowiak of Capital Lakes who had superb results at the NSW Championships to put themselves in contention for the Senior A team. They are joined by Angus Moore, who rows for Canberra Rowing Club, and who has been a member of the national A team in the past, and para athletes Kathryn Ross (ANU) and Cameron Crombie (Canberra RC). We wish these athletes well in the trials, along with all of the other Canberra based AIS athletes named in the prospective squads.