Archive for category: News

Registrations are open for RACT’s 2015 Club/School (Level 2) coaching course. The course will be held over three days, across two consecutive weekends in October 2015. The course dates and times are as follows:

Day 1: Saturday 17th October (10:00am – 4:00pm)

Day 2: Sunday 18th October (10:00am – 4:00pm)

Day 3: Saturday 24th October (10:00am – 3:00pm)


To register visit –

Canberra Grammar School is currently seeking coaches for the 2015/2016 rowing season. Positions are available in the morning or afternoon. Pay rates are according to experience and qualifications. If you interested please go to, or alternatively you can contact Christabelle Northam on 0431183102 or

Lake Tuggeranong Rowing Club is turning 20 and the Club wishes to extend an invite to the ACT rowing community to its upcoming Anniversary Cocktail Party.

This will be held at Town Centre Vikings in the Baa Moo Private Function Room on the 24th of September from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

For full details see the invitation here – Lake Tug Rowng Club 20th Anniversary Invite


The 2015 RACT Coaching Series will begin soon. This series will involve the below.

Learn to Row Coaching Course (Level 1)

Registrations are now open for this course. It will be held on the 19th of September at CGGS Aquatic Centre. Interested members should visit

Club/School Coaching Course (Level 2)

The dates of this course will be finalised shortly. Once this is done registrations for this course will be open. The intention is to run this course during October.

Coaching Seminars

There will be two coaching seminars run by RACT this season; one in the first half of the season and one in the second half. These seminars will involve a guest speaker giving advice on a particular aspect of coaching, e.g. nutrition, skill acquisition, program development. They will be open to all members of the rowing community.

RACT will provide the dates, times and topics of these seminars as soon as possible.

The Winter Time Trial Saturday and Sunday point score totals are now available.

Here is a little snap shot of the point score leaders so far.

M1x – Kwiatkowski Cup  

1st Angus Harding – 110 pts
2nd Tyron Boorman – 104 pts
3rd Caleb Antil – 103 pts

Fastest Time so far – 15:12.42 by Tyron Boorman in WTT#1

W1x – Cirulis Plate  

10 points separate top 5 rowers in the point score

1st Taylor Caudle – 63 pts
2nd Sandra Sweeney – 62 pts
3rd Ellen Newton – 61 pts
4th Maddy Farrar – 58 pts
5th Camille Cherbuin – 52 ptsFastest Time so far – 16:47.69 by Maddy Farrar WTT#1

Doubles Event 2 crews are equal second place

1st Mary Bonney, Michael Vickers   28pts
2nd Nerida Carter,Darrell Ninham    25pts
2nd Ellen Newton,Sandra Sweeney 25 pts
2nd Adrian Keogh, Andrew Yuile    25pts
5th Alan Carey,Andrea Parsons     16pts


Crew of T Trobe, S Lang, H Van Pelt, J Hart and N Latimer lead the quads points score.


Crew of J Farnan, M Pentony, A Latham, F Blackwell, K McVickers, A Preiner, S Linacre, S Donoghoe and D Balaam (cox) lead the eights points score.

The rowing community was saddened to hear of the death on 25 July 2015 of long time ACT rowing supporter and national rowing figure Paul Rowe.

Paul’s association with ACT rowing went back to the early 1970s when he competed in Canberra as a member of Haberfield Rowing Club.  At Haberfield he reached the peak of his rowing career winning numerous NSW State titles.  He was also successful at the national level, winning national titles in all classes of crew sculling boats and lightweight sweep and single sculling boats.  As the NSW sculler he twice came second in the interstate sculling race for the President’s Cup against much heavier opponents from Queensland.  He represented Australia in the lightweight sculls at the 1975 World Rowing Championship at Nottingham.

Paul moved to Canberra in 1986 as apprentice coach at the Australian Institute of Sport Rowing Unit and has lived in Canberra ever since.  He had many coaching successes at the AIS and regularly coached Australian representative crews through the early 1990s including at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games.  He coached many ACT crews notably the men’s lightweight IV representing NSW that won the Penrith Cup in 1987.  This remains one of ACT Rowing’s greatest moments.

Formidable as they were, Paul’s rowing successes were exceeded by his personal qualities.  His wisdom and generosity benefited many in the local rowing community, particularly members of his club, the Daramalan Rowing Club.

ADFA will be hosting a small regatta this Saturday the 25th of July on the Yarramundi Reach rowing course.

This regatta will involve 7 small boat events run between 8:45 – 10:30am.

Other users of the rowing course are asked to be considerate of this event.

Please ensure that the Watercraft Safety on Lake Burley Griffin Traffic Flow Guide is followed, including all boats being lit in the dark with white light visible from 360o. Remember that overtaking vessels have a legal obligation to keep clear and give way to boats on your starboard (bow) side.

The Rowing Australia On Water Safety Guidelines are useful resources outlining safe use of waterways for rowers.

If there is an incident (collision, near miss and winter capsize – between 1 June and 30 September) a Rowing ACT Incident Report Form should be completed and submitted ASAP to with a copy being kept in the club.

Keep safe – and shout loudly if a rower is on collision course in your direction, they maybe unaware that you have stopped or are even there!

Capital Lakes Rowing Club is pleased to announce the launch of its new website and club management platform.  The Club would like to inform the ACT rowing community of its new domain name at and would like to encourage all to visit.

The Club is now offering a variety of programs, including learn to row, novice, intermediate, competition, and social rowing for juniors, schools and masters. The Club also offers a para-rowing program. For more information please visit our the website or call the Club Secretary on 0423 669 916.

Rowing ACT would like to provide an update on the progress of the National Database Project.

This project is being undertaken by Rowing Australia in partnership with State Associations.

Currently Rowing in Australia has membership data split across two membership systems that are managed separately (ROMS and Rowing Manager). The objective of the project is to have a single database which captures information on Rowing participants in Australia.

Other key Objectives of the project are: 

  – To record participate data of all participant classes, that can be viewed and reported on, as appropriate

– To have the tools to engage with all members of Rowing in Australia

– To link participant information to the regatta entry/ management systems

– To provide the facility to distribute funds to parties after receiving them at point of sale e.g. between a State Association and a Club.

– To be able to accept payment at point of sale, in a secure manner.

‘Revolutionise Sport’ have been chosen as the provider of the national database. They provide online sports management tools (

The model, including financing, has yet to be finalised and can be tailored to a degree for each State.   However, clearly it will work best if it is universally adopted by State Associations and Clubs. This would provide Clubs with a simple way of managing their membership whilst meeting other registration, statistical and payment objectives for the three tiers of rowing.

Rowing ACT will be consulting with Clubs as soon as the model firms up.   We share the national objective of having all Clubs adopting the system.

Rowing Manager will continue to be used as the regatta management platform for the ACT under a consolidated database arrangement.